Ford Concept Micro Hybrid
28 September 2004
Engineers from Ford’s Aachen Research Centre in Germany have developed a micro hybrid concept car based on the Ford Fiesta. Although it is currently a research project, the Fiesta micro hybrid potentially could be in production by 2006. Ford’s partner in the development of the system is Valeo, a French supplier for electrical car systems.
Micro hybrids augment the combustion engine with features such as feature stop/start functionality, an efficient generator, and regenerative braking, but provide no power for propulsion. (See A Short Field Guide to Hybrids.) The new GM Silverado is also a micro hybrid.
The Fiesta micro hybrid will improve fuel consumption by 5-15%, depending upon conditions and driving behavior, with a corresponding drop in emissions.
The Fiesta micro hybrid’s powertrain is based on a standard 1.4 liter 80 hp gasoline engine with a 5-speed manual transmission. The micro hybrid functions added on top of this include start-stop technology, regenerative braking and advanced battery management.
Wow! What a site. Who is gathering all this info?
It sure is appreciated. I agree 100% that by far the best way to move the energy and transportation situation forward is through education. After following the renewable energy movement for a few years it is clear that the only way governments and corporations are going to embrace renewable energy is if they get pulled into it by public demand. All the attempts at pushing government and business are, at best, a waist of time and energy. And sometimes they seem to end up pushing in the opposite direction.
For these reasons I have been exploring ways to create the needed pull. Education is the way to get this thing rolling and from what I can gather there is a lot of work to be done just to break free of the inertia.
Thank you for your site and all the work put into it. Please let me know if I can help out.
Posted by: Lee Dekker | 29 September 2004 at 04:19 PM
Thank *you*—and you are, by contributing!
Posted by: Mike | 29 September 2004 at 04:53 PM
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