Flex Fuel Zooms in Brazil
Delphi Scales for Diesel Growth in Asia


Gas Technology Institute (GTI) has developed a two-step steam reforming-shift fuel processor that can efficiently convert ethanol into hydrogen. For the past six months, GTI engineers have been performing internal research to demonstrate the potential of its fuel processor technology to generate hydrogen from a variety of renewable fuels.

We were able to produce a high-quality hydrogen gas from ethanol—similar to results using natural gas—and demonstrated our process to representatives of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA).

—Gerry Runte, Executive Director of GTI’s Hydrogen Systems Center

One GTI goal is to utilize ethanol as the primary fuel to produce hydrogen in a hydrogen fueling station platform similar to the natural gas-to-hydrogen station being developed by GTI under a United States Department of Energy sponsored program.

Probably too soon for anyone to have done an energy and emissions Lifecycle Analysis on this approach...


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