Samsung Hydrogen-on-Demand Scooter
Event Note: California’s Transportation Energy Future

E-Diesel for Refuse Fleet

E.J. Harrison & Sons, a refuse truck fleet operator based in California, is switching to O2Diesel’s (earlier post) ethanol-diesel blend. The year-long program, funded under the terms of O2Diesel’s subcontract with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), commenced with 14 trucks running on O2Diesel, with the bulk of the 120 vehicles to be brought on in a few weeks.

O2Diesel is terminal-blending the fuel to specification and delivering it to Harrison’s fleet refueling location. O2Diesel uses a 7.7% ethanol blend, with up to 1% proprietary additive and a cetane improver. Cetane is a measure of a fuel’s ignition delay—the period between the start of injection and start of combustion of the fuel. Higher cetane fuels will have shorter ignition delay periods than lower cetane fuels, and shorter delay is better.

In tests against conventional diesel, O2Diesel:

  • Reduced CO emissions 20-28%
  • Reduced NOx emissions 2-6%
  • Reduced PM 34-46%


Mr. E. Codiesel


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