H2 Generation and Fueling at Home: Honda’s Home Energy System II
Renewable Natural Gas? The Discovery of Active Methane Biogenesis in Coalbeds

Two H2 FCXs for New York State

Honda is leasing two 2005 FCX fuel cell vehicles to the state of New York, the first state customer for Honda fuel cell technology and the first customer for a fuel cell vehicle in the Northeastern U.S. This brings the number of FCV vehicles in operation to 12.

The 2005 FCX (earlier post) uses Honda’s own fuel cell stack (Honda FC Stack) with the ability to start and operate in sub-freezing temperatures—definitely a requirement for operating in upstate New York.

The State will lease the  two hydrogen-powered FCX  vehicles for two years with delivery of the first vehicle scheduled to take place in December, followed by the second vehicle in mid-2005.


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