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Biodiesel Use Soars in Central North Carolina

AP.  According to the Triangle J Council of Governments,  the use of B20 biodiesel in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (see comment below) area has jumped from 31,500 gallons in 2001 to at least 1.7 million gallons in 2004.

“It’s really impressive, and the number of organizations that have started using it has also grown quite impressively,” [Tobin] Freid [project coordinator at Triangle J] said, from just a few major users in 2001 to more than 15 in 2004. Among the largest local biodiesel users are Duke University, Durham Public Schools and the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro.

Meanwhile, use of B100 biodiesel—which is made solely from soy or used cooking oil—is beginning to grow in the Triangle, as well.

About 5,000 gallons of B100 were used in the Triangle in 2004, replacing as much petroleum-based diesel oil as 25,000 gallons of B20. “They’re small users but it adds up pretty quickly,” Freid said.

Triangle J is one of 18 regional organizations of municipal and county governments in North Carolina. It is the home for the Triangle Clean Cities Coalition which is dedicated to increasing the use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) as a means to improve air quality and reduce dependence on foreign oil.



Jonathan Freeze

I think by "Raleigh-Durham area" above, you really may mean to reference the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (entire Triangle) area. Durham and Chapel Hill are the areas predominately discussed in the AP story, as opposed to Raleigh.


Ooops. My apologies for being geographically challenged. :-) Thanks for the correction.

Valerie Bateman

This is all very interesting, but where is the average consumer in the Triangle to go to buy a biodiesel car right now?

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