New NOx Reduction Catalyst for Lean-Burn Engines
08 March 2005
Most gasoline engines today run at a chemically correct (stoichiometric) air-to-fuel ratio (about 14.7:1) that allows the three-way catalysts used for emissions control to operate at high efficiency.
Lean-burn engines mix more air with the fuel under lighter load conditions. The enhanced oxidation improves the thermal efficiency of the engine, reduces fuel consumption, and lowers HC and CO emissions. But the higher combustion temperatures increase the amount of NOx, making it very difficult for current three-way catalysts to handle the burden.
The Honda Insight is one example of a car with a lean-burn gasoline engine. It can operate at a fuel-air ratio of up to 22:1, but uses a dual catalyst system that includes an extra NOx storage and reduction catalyst to handle the extra emissions load.
NSR catalysts that alternately trap the oxides on a barium component under one set of engine conditions and reduce them under other conditions are one approach to the lean-burn NOx problem. These alternative catalysts, which are being road-tested in Japan and other countries, still rely on expensive noble metals such as platinum, palladium or rhodium.
Researchers at the University of Delaware may have discovered another approach.
The group demonstrated that a NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) catalyst using Cobalt (Co) as an oxidizing metal and without noble metals is just as effective at treating NOx as platinum-based NSR catalysts. [Catal. Commun., 6, 167 (2005)]
After running through a series of tests, the chemists found that an alumina-supported catalyst containing 5% cobalt and 15% barium was just as effective as conventional NSR catalysts containing 1% platinum.
Adding 1% platinum to the cobalt-barium catalyst created a material with twice the NOx-storage capacity of current platinum-based NSR catalysts.
What do we get if we combine all these new technologies?
All aluminum variable valves intake, 2/4insight lean burn running on ethanol/biodiesel (with a MPG-meter in the car ;P ) coupled with an electrical engine?
Posted by: Mikhail Capone | 08 March 2005 at 07:06 PM
about lean burn engine
Posted by: tripti pundir | 19 October 2005 at 04:54 AM
please send lean burn concept for heavy duty engines
Posted by: balakrishna | 13 April 2008 at 11:06 AM
nice description but i think still research is going on in this area...............
Posted by: abhilash | 07 October 2008 at 08:48 AM
please mail me this concept in detail..
Posted by: abhilash | 07 October 2008 at 08:50 AM
Perhaps this is how Toyota plans on using a lean burn engine in a future Prius. ~45% engine efficiency here we come. I assume that's why cars have lean burn right now, because of emissions. But then there are also patents that get in the way of innovation.
Posted by: danwat1234 | 22 January 2013 at 01:56 PM
*I assume that's why cars DON'T -< (typo) have lean burn right now,
Posted by: danwat1234 | 22 January 2013 at 01:57 PM