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Second Bartlett Speech to Congress on Peak Oil to be Covered Live by C-SPAN

Maryland Congressman Roscoe Bartlett is delivering the second of his presentations on peak oil to Congress on Tuesday, 19 April.

According to Bartlett’s office, C-SPAN will carry the one-hour Special Order speech live. The speech is estimated to begin @9:00 pm–9:30 pm EST.   Log on to watch it  at http://www.c-span.org/watch/.

As a follow-up to his first presentation on peak oil (earlier post) Congressman Bartlett will discuss the need for the U.S. to rapidly develop alternative energy sources.


Frank Giovinazzi

I'll see if I can get footage of him driving one of those Vectrix scooters in May!

Mikhail Capone

Excellent! Following your recommendation, I've read the whole transcript of his first speech and thought it was very convincing.


I've been stopping in at E&E TV now and then ... I just noticed that they put up an interview with Rep. Bartlett yesterday. Watch it on-line:


Their blurb:

"Is the world running out of oil? How promising are new sources of petroleum? What risks do volatile oil prices pose for the world's economies? Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.) and Roger Diwan, oil markets expert at PFC Energy, join OnPoint to discuss the current and future state of the world oil market and its economic implications."

Margaret Brown

I recently (around 2/7/06) saw an energy/oil report by Bartlett on C-SPAN. Where can I get a CD of this report with all the graphs? Or where can I get the text of the speech along with the graphs?
Margaret Brown


Mr. Bartlett has a link to his presentation from Feb. 8, 2006 on his congressional website. Here is the URL of the presentation, complete with graphs.


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