Fluctuating Gas Prices Taking a Bigger Bite Out of US Retail
Maxwell Introduces Higher Voltage, Longer-Lasting Ultracapacitors

Solar-Powered Biodiesel Pump

The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports on the opening of a solar-powered biodiesel filling station in Santa Cruz County, California.

Both graduates of Soquel High School, Roussopoulos and Rubalcaba restored a red, 1939 gas pump with new measuring equipment, solar panel, hand-painted sign and 1,000-gallon fuel tub that looks like a giant whiskey barrel.

An old airplane propeller keeps the fuel from frosting at night.

Roussopoulos assembled it all himself, he said, for between $5,000 and $6,000.

The new pump at  Mountain Feed and Farm Supply sells B100 for $3.71 per gallon.


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