Turlock EV Conversion Update
Thai PTT Testing Natural Gas in Trawlers

Beijing Targeting Clean Public Fleets for 2008 Olympics

Xinhua. Ninety percent of Beijing’s public buses and 70% of its taxis will be clean vehicles in 2008, when Beijing hosts the Olympics according to an official with China’s Ministry of Science and Technology.

Xu Jing, vice director of the ministry’s hi-tech development and industrialization department, said by 2008, Beijing will need a total of 18,000 clean vehicles, including 1,000 electric vehicles.

At the same time, Shanghai, China&squo;s most populous city and a financial hub, will have at least 1,000 electric vehicles, including 20 to 30 fuel cell cars, Xu said.

The Chinese government has invested more than 1 billion yuan (US$120 million) since 1999 intro research and development on clean vehicles, including cars using clean fuel or alternative fuel, electric vehicles, hybrids and fuel cell vehicles.



Where can I get info on the specific technology they are researching and using?


You can try get some info here: www.evuk.co.uk
or http://www.thunder-sky.com/en/vehicle.htm
they are producing mainly buses and ebikes..

The Chinese are building Lithium Ion/polymer battery factories like crazy and currently can supply 1Ah for $2.5 for a common customer so for a fleet order it should be less. You need at least 12-17Kwh for highway capable car which might be for instance 20-30x3.6V (200Ah) cells = $10-15k plus computer battery management system and electric drive. So it's not cheap but mass production should make it affordable but it certainly won't come out of the big three GM, Daimler-Chrysler or Ford.. I would place my bet on the Chinese and Korean auto manufacturers to lauch it first..

Albert Szabo

Subject: Solar thermal electric power plant & Seawater desalination system run by solar energy


Dear Editor,

I have prepared three workable solar energy business what we can realize in Australia and in China as well - within month - with your kind help and support. We need your support in this case, otherwise the inventor/product owner shall sale these solar energy products (patents) to other country which move (act) faster.

These urgent solar energy businesses are the following: the first business is a Solar Thermal Electric Power Plant, the second one is a Hydrogen Plant run by solar energy and the third business idea is a Sea Water Desalination System run by solar energy too.

These solar energy products (as PATENTS) are available right now and we can put them to manufacture stage with Chinese Government help.

I have prepared the above mentioned solar energy businesses properly since last November and now we only need some Government ORDER to start with the mass production.

With the Chinese Government order we can ask any Bank or Financial Institution (investment company) to lend us enough money to put these unique solar energy products (Patents) to the manufacture stage.

The European inventor, product owner capable to prove, that these solar energy products (Patents) are workable (doable), because he received many signed and sealed certifications from an American (USA) and some European University of Technology’s Departments when they seen and tried (tested) out the prototypes and checked all the available documents related with these solar energy products.

If you ready to help us in this matter with Chinese Government ORDER, then I will invite the product owner to Australia or to China and going to set up a Joint Venture company to put these solar energy products into the manufacture stage.

With these magnificent and unique solar energy products we can create hundred thousands new workplaces and small businesses all around Australia and in China as well and we could help the working families and the Australian and the Chinese economy too.

These solar energy systems will give you enormous power and opportunity to set up (build) new settlements, houses, hotels, factories, plants, mills in inner Australia and in inner China. With these unique solar energy products (patents) we could build new "SOLAR CITIES" in the Australian and in the Chinese deserts where everything can run by solar energy.

The solar energy system can help to reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse pollution in Australia and in China, because the solar energy system NOT produce (not create) at all any greenhouse pollution.

The sea water desalination system what we can offer you, will return the invested money within years, because run by FREE solar energy.

Lastly, if you going to ask the Chinese Government, they could help us in these solar energy businesses, because of the Chinese drinking water crisis, and energy shortage (what we can solve easily with our solar energy systems/products run by solar energy).

If you going to accept our above request and will give us your support, then we could SHOW (introduce) these unique solar energy products to the right Chinese people who may help us to get the requested ORDER or orders from the Chinese Government.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Albert Szabo


Mobile: +61 4 24 43 59 71
Email: [email protected]

PS: Please find attached informations and read my previous letter below too.


Subject: Solar thermal electric power plant & Seawater desalination system run by solar energy


Dear Editor,

I would like to offer you three Solar Energy product; a Solar Thermal Electric Power Plant, a Hydrogen Plant run by solar energy and a Sea Water Desalination System run by solar energy too.

In these offers (deals), only Gilgames Pty. Ltd. (my company) is the inventor/product owner fully authorized mandate.

The solar thermal electric power plant produces electricity as the conventional electric power plants. This unique solar thermal electric power plant can store the heat and able to generate electric power at any time and in any season.

It stores the sun's energy in crystalline materials at the specific heat capacity of the best eutectics fell between 1,785 and 1,822 kJ/dm3 or 427 and 436 kcal/dm3, which were particularly excellent values even on a global scale and allows the plant to generate electrical power day and night, and in any conditions, rain or shine.

The concentrators can utilize solar energy even in winter time. The heat-storing carrier is reversible, it can be used for heat storing even a million times.

The heat-storing device makes it possible to store the heat for two to three weeks (if the tank is big enough, even for a longer period of time, even for months).

The use of industrial heat-storing devices may save a considerable amount of expensive fuel (oil, gas, coal).

The solar thermal electric power plant able to generates (produce) electric power by solar energy from 10 MW/h up to 500 MW/h (or more).

The other solar energy product the sea water desalination system run by solar energy is around 350 metre wide and long with a 74,000 m3 (square metre) mirror surface (land).

The sea water desalination system price is around $280 million dollar, but after 3 years the whole investment will show a return, because the system only use solar energy which will be available for free of charge in the next 5 milliard years.

The capacity of the large-size sea water desalination system (run by solar energy) is around 300,000 m3 /day. This is 300 mega liter (300,000,000 liter) per day. This is good enough for entire regions, cities.

The drinking water produced by solar energy is 100% free from sea salt and from any bacteria, because this solar energy system is germicidal (desalinate the salt water by high temperature). This water is good for irrigation too, in the agricultural area.

These solar energy systems can help to reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse pollution.

The above mentioned solar energy projects owner seeks professional and financial investors or existing business for the serial production of these solar energy products (patents) and ready to meet with you in any Australian place personally, to prepare the first deal.

The solar energy projects owner deems essential that the professional investor or existing business owner must be capable of establishing a production plant with the necessary size, equipment and public works which will be suitable for mass production.

Lastly, the sun energy is free of charge. The relatively high initial investment at first sight suggests that the solar energy systems are, in general, very expensive. But from the time of installation of the system on, there are no more operating costs. Whoever invests in a solar energy system is also investing in the future.

Other than that, there is the possibility to lower the costs of a solar energy system by claiming state or community funding.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Albert Szabo


Mobile: +61 4 24 43 59 71
Email: [email protected]

PS: Please read the below informations too.

Solar energy has become the second quickest growing energy source. The solar energy market is growing ten times quicker than the oil industry. The growth rate of the latter is 1.4% as compared to the growth rate of the solar energy market of 16%. In 1998 the production and selling of solar energy utilisation equipment has raised by 40% in comparison to 1997. Thus it is understandable that the production of solar energy utilisation equipment is the most dynamically growing industry worldwide.

Sea water desalination systems

A family of desalination devices has been developed to accommodate varying needs – all based on thermic principles but incorporating different technology as shown in the following table.

Small-Size Desalination Device

(Individual Use)
Medium-Size Desalination System

(Community Water Supply)
Large-Size Desalination System

(Water Supply for Entire Regions, Cities)

Tourist: 6-8 liters/day
30 m3 /day
50 000 m3 / day

Family: 150-200 liters/day
60 m3 /day
100 000 m3 / day

100 m3 /day
200 000 m3 / day

200 m3 /day
300 000 m3 / day

1000 m3 /day

Technology: Distilling equipment shaped from cylinder-parabola shaped mirrors (in groups) 1-10 m3
Technology: Parabola-shaped mirrors, distilling equipment, heat storage tanks, condensers, storage containers
Technology: Sea water desalination plant consisting of a solar power plant and distilling systems.

General Characteristics: The capacity of these systems is enough to supply not only drinking water but also water for irrigation and industrial purposes, particularly in sunny climates. Calculations based on the performance capacity of the medium-size system give us a cost estimate of $ 0.55 / 1 m3 of desalinated water, currently the cheapest in the world. The systems are fully computerized and 100% non-polluting. This is made possibly by the fact that the concentrated salt solution that is distilled out by the system is dried in the sun in concrete pools and can be used as industrial salts. A prototype of the desalination system has been constructed and production can be started immediately.

The above mentioned sea water desalination system is ready to manufacture (production) and we can give you all neccessary drawing what you need to start to produce these solar energy products here in Australia or any other country of the World. We already have prototypes and video film to demonstrate the solar energy products.

PS: Please find attached informations. If you want detailed technical information from the above mentioned solar energy products, we have to sign an NCND agreement with you and with your company.

Andy Liang

Dear Sirs,
Solar power is an non-polluting and everlasting energy for human beings. China is a big market. China is running out of energy. I believe China needs solar power very badly. Why don't you come to China and set up a factory to produce your solar products? I can help in any way.
Best regards,
Andy Liang

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