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The Perceived Psychology of SUV Buyers

If advertising can be said to offer insight into the psychology of a buyer or prospect (or, at least, into a company’s perception of that buyer), then the GM HUMMER site is a trove of perspective.

The site provides 19 different video commercials (with more to come) for the HUMMER family (about half of those are for the new H3).

Another H3 spot will debut during the MTV Video Music Awards on August 28. Called “Monsters”, the commercial features two giant creatures, one a monster and the other a robot, which confront each other, mate, and produce a “Little Monster”—the H3.

Here’s GM’s take on that:

“We’re going to continue to push the envelope,“ says Liz Vanzura, HUMMER’s global marketing director. “We know that HUMMER owners love their trucks and this is another way that we can surprise and delight them.” The “Monsters” spot uses emotion in an amusing and unexpected way to spin an unconventional love story around a new HUMMER, while also conveying the H3’s more “rational” traits, such as toughness and agility.

A different view of Mega-SUV buyers comes from SUV City, a collaboration between Michael Kelley (Creative Director of the broadcast design company Idiot Box) and Marcelo Alvarez (a former Disney animator).

SUV City is an 8½-minute, animated short film that was inspired by Kelley’s sitting at Peet’s Coffee in Santa Monica every morning and watching the parade of mammoth SUVs rolling by on their way to work or day care.

Interestingly, both sets of videos (HUMMER and SUV City), attribute some similar attributes to the buyers—just from a different perspective. (Note especially “Accesorize” and “First Day” on the HUMMER site for comparison with SUV City).

You pick.

(A hat-tip to Car Buyer’s Notebook!)



I joke that my Prius is a Hummer ... H6.

They'll get there.


Disturbing... I say BAN SUV ADS! Then see how much they can sell. If people REALLY want them, they will sell, but if it's all hype (as I suspect) then sales (and eventually manufacturing) should taper off.

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