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Volkswagen Advocates European E10 Standard


During the 80th International Green Week (Grüne Woche) event in Berlin, Volkswagen pushed for the development of a European E10 (10% ethanol) standard for gasoline.

The current European fuel standard DIN EN 228 specifies 15% ETBE (ethyl tertiary butyl ether), or 5% ethanol by volume. The objectives of the EU biofuel directive for 2010, however, require a higher proportion of up to roughly 9% ethanol by volume in gasoline. Volkswagen is therefore actively supporting the drafting of a suitable European standard for the future E10 fuel.

Volkswagen’s innovative drive concepts are already capable of using an up to ten percent volume blend of bioethanol in petrol (E10) within the specifications of a future fuel standard. Volkswagen is promoting the increasing spread of biogenic fuels with its modern engine technology that is prepared for the use of ethanol blend fuels. This is an important element in our future-oriented fuel strategy.

Greater use of biomass for fuel production, as set out in the federal government’s fuel strategy, makes a major contribution to energy security and CO2 reduction. Volkswagen is backing this strategy with its support for higher ethanol concentrations of up to ten percent in petrol ethanol blends. This is another step in our fuel strategy towards the introduction of 2nd generation biofuels with much higher rates of CO2 reduction, such as ethanol from lignocellulose or SunFuel, a synthetic diesel fuel produced from biomass.

—Matthias Rabe, Head of Group Research at Volkswagen AG

Volkswagen noted that its new TSI dual-charged, gasoline direct-injection engine (earlier post) is E10 ready.

Volkswagen backs a uniform system of tax on biofuels and their blends according to sustainability criteria.

To achieve the goals of the European Parliament’s EU Biofuel Directive 2003/30/EG of 5.75% renewable fuels by the end of 2010, Volkswagen supports broader use of gasoline and biodiesel blends as opposed to use of pure biofuels. For Volkswagen, the broad Europe-wide use of ethanol-blended fuel is the most economically effective way to achieve a wide-scale and quick introduction onto the market by 2010.



I've lived and traveled in Iowa for several years. Ethanol-blend gasoline as an option at the pump is common, if not mandatory. What happens in/to a car that is not ethanol-ready, but into which ethanol-blend gasoline is pumped?


In Seattle WA we have at least 10 biodiesel pumps but no e85 pumps anywhere except on a remote Army base. We need to work on this situation!!


10% Ethanol blend is ridiculous.

Brazil is the leader in this sector. 80% of new Brazilian-built cars are powered by "flex fuel" engines.
Drivers have a much greater choice, being able to mix ethanol and petrol at will.
The Brazilian economy has saved $400bn in imports since the creation of the National Alcohol Program.
Producing ethanol from sugar is profitable as long as oil costs more than $37 a barrel.
But there is scepticism among European car manufacturers, whether the Brazilian model can be exported.
"It makes no economic sense outside Brazil," said Jean-Martin Folz, Peugeot's chief executive.
I guess he's right.

However, I'm confident full EV's powered by "clean" produced energy are the solution.
Sooner or later engineers and scientists will find a usable energy storage system.
Thats the last missing link - a f#+-* battery.



10% is better than nothing. Flex fuel vehicles are great but there aren't that many of them. I also wonder how sustainable brazil's ethanol industry is. Biofuels can be a part of the solution but not the whole solution. The environmental implications would be severe.

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