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Volvo Bus Subsidiary Introduces GM-Allison Hybrid Bus

Canada’s Nova Bus introduced the Nova LFS hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) during the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) Trans-Expo earlier in November. Nova Bus is a division of Prevost Car Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Volvo Bus Corporation.

The Nova LFS HEV features the GM-Allison EP40 two-mode hybrid system. The Nova LFS HEV will deliver its best performances on low speed stop-and-go routes, significantly reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

An interim evaluation by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of the King County Metro, Washington (KCM) fleet—the largest single user of GM-Allison hybrid transit buses—published in April 2006 this year found that the hybrids delivered a 26% improvement in fuel economy compared to diesel buses in similar drive cycles.

Another NREL report on the evaluation of the KCM buses found fuel economy improvements ranging from 11.4% to 45.8% depending upon route and drive cycle. The hybrids also showed a 17.8% reduction in NOx emissions in the laboratory.

Other advantages are a smoother and quieter ride as well as reducing brake and engine wear.

The LFS HEV is one of the lightest vehicles in its category and comes standard with a unique stainless steel structure as well as corrosion-free outside skin panels.


Donald Fergle

What is the transmission compenents layout. Am in the process of purchasing SAE 2007-01-0272 and SAE 2007-01-0273

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