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Diversa Announces GRAS Approval of Purifine Enzyme; Increased Oilseed Yield for Biodiesel and Edible Oil Production

Diversa Corporation, a developer of high-performance specialty enzymes, announced that its Purifine enzyme has obtained GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for edible oil applications. This food-application approval follows the September 28th approval by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for non-food applications,... Read more →

Massachusetts to Retrofit All Diesel School and Transit Buses in State

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is dedicating $22.5 million to retrofit 8,400 public school and regional transit buses in the state by 2010 in a deal designed to offset pollution from the Big Dig project in Boston. The agreement is a key component in the state’s efforts to reduce the health... Read more →

European Commission Proposes Bringing Air Transport into Emissions Trading Scheme

The European Commission today proposed legislation to bring greenhouse gas emissions from civil aviation into the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Emissions from aviation currently account for about 3% of total EU greenhouse gas emissions, but they are increasing faster than any other sector—by 87% since 1990—as air travel... Read more →

ConocoPhillips Begins Production of Renewable Diesel Fuel at Whitegate Refinery

Simplified refinery pathway for hydrogenation of vegetable oil. Click to enlarge. ConocoPhillips has begun commercial production of renewable diesel fuel at the company’s Whitegate Refinery in Cork, Ireland. The production process, developed by ConocoPhillips, hydrogenates vegetable oils to produce a renewable diesel fuel component that meets European Union standards. The... Read more →

China Halts Expansion of Corn Ethanol Industry; Focus on Biomass Feedstocks

New Kerala. China has suspended further expansion of its corn ethanol industry in order to halt a rapid increase in corn prices, which climbed almost 5% in November. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has ordered local governments to stop approving new projects that process corn for industrial uses,... Read more →

ENE Releases Roadmap for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Northeast US and Eastern Canada

EIA Projections of New England transportation sector energy consumption through 2030. Click to enlarge. Environment Northeast (ENE), a research and advocacy group, has released a detailed roadmap to reduce greenhouse gases in the region, which includes the Northeast US states and eastern Canadian provinces. The 275-page Climate Change Roadmap is... Read more →

Syntroleum Signs Gas-to-Liquids Development Agreement with Kuwait for Papua New Guinea

Syntroleum Corporation has signed a Joint Development Agreement with Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company, K.S.C. (KUFPEC) to join in the development of a 50,000 barrel per day Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) facility in Papua New Guinea (PNG). When complete, the plant will produce 50,000 barrels per day of Syntroleum S-2 synthetic diesel—a... Read more →

Smallest Cars in US Fare Poorly in Crash Tests

Summary of the small car crash testing. Click to enlarge. For the first time, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has tested the smallest vehicles sold in the US market, which gain popularity as fuel prices rise. Crash test results indicate which vehicles in each weight category afford the... Read more →

Honda Chief Outlines Initiatives and Expansions; Cellulosic Ethanol Pilot Plant and Green Factory

In his year-end speech, Honda CEO Takeo Fukui described progress made on product initiatives announced in May (earlier post) and outlined a number of expansions the company is undertaking, including the building of an experimental cellulosic ethanol plant and the building of a “resource/energy-recycling Green Factory” which will reduce the... Read more →

Clean Diesel Technologies Lands First UK Fleet Contract

Clean Diesel International, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Clean Diesel Technologies, a developer of emissions reductions technologies for mobile and stationary engines, has landed its first UK commercial fleet contract for the Platinum Plus DFX fuel-borne catalyst. Burgoynes (Lyonshall) Limited, a medium-sized road haulage company operating heavy goods vehicles... Read more →

Gas-to-Liquids Company Sells Exploration and Production Holdings

Syntroleum Corporation is selling its exploration and production holdings in Nigeria to Energy Equity Resources Limited. Syntroleum, developers of a compact Fischer-Tropsch process (Gas-to-Liquids and Coal-to-Liquids), could realize up to $25 million from this sale. Syntroleum had intended to generate revenue via oil and gas production as well as to... Read more →

Agribiofuels Signs with ConAgra for Feedstock Oils

Agribiofuels uses IPRC’s microwave separation technology om biodiesel production. Agribiofuels, LLC has signed agreements with ConAgra Trade Group for feedstock oils for the Agribiofuels biodiesel plant currently under construction in Dayton, Texas. In addition, ConAgra Trade Group will provide biodiesel and glycerin marketing and outbound logistics services for the facility.... Read more →

Statoil and Hydro to Merge Oil and Gas Activities

The new company will be the world’s largest offshore operator. Click to enlarge. The Boards of Directors of Norwegian companies Hydro and Statoil have agreed to recommend to their shareholders a merger of Hydro’s oil and gas activities with Statoil, thereby creating the world's largest offshore operator. The resulting new... Read more →

BMW Group and PSA Peugeot Citroën to Extend Engine Partnership

BMW Group and PSA Peugeot Citroën have agreed to extend their cooperation in the field of gasoline-fueled four-cylinder engines. In 2002, PSA Peugeot Citroën and BMW Group agreed jointly to develop and produce a family of 1.6-liter turbocharged gasoline engines, encompassing two technologies: fully variable valve drive and direct injection,... Read more →

VERBIO to Build €100 Million Ethanol Plant in Germany

Vereinigte BioEnergie AG (VERBIO) plans to build a bioethanol facility in the seaport of Rostock, Germany in 2007 with an annual capacity of 200,000 tonnes (67 million gallons US) of ethanol. The total investment is expected to be around €100 million (US$131 million). VERBIO is one of the leading producers... Read more →

Lithium Technology Corporation Raises $3 Million in Private Placement

Lithium Technology Corporation (LTC), a provider of large format lithium-ion batteries, announced that it sold 20,060 shares of Series C Preferred Stock for an aggregate of $3,009,000. Each share of Series C Preferred Stock is convertible into 2,500 shares of company common stock. At a purchase price of $150 per... Read more →

Ashok Leyland to Support Hydrogen-Compressed Natural Gas Blend in Engines

Ashok Leyland, a leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles and engines in India, has signed an agreement with Brehon Energy PLC for technology for the use of Hythane—a blend of hydrogen and compressed natural gas (CNG) that is usually about 7% hydrogen by energy or 20% by volume—in its CNG engines.... Read more →

Xcel and NREL Unveil Wind2H2 Project

The Wind2H2 project. Click to enlarge. Xcel Energy and the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) unveiled a pilot facility that uses electricity from wind turbines to power electrolyzers to produce hydrogen, which is then compressed and stored at 3,500 psi. The Wind2H2 project is designed to... Read more →

Final NREL Report on GM Hybrid Buses in Seattle

The study found the hybrids delivered 27% better fuel economy than the conventional diesels. Click to enlarge. The National Renewable Laboratory has recently published its final report on the GM-Allison hybrid electric buses in service at King County Metro (KCM) Transit in King County, WA. The report includes 12 months... Read more →

Tesco to Run Delivery Fleet on B50 Biodiesel in 2007

BBC. Tesco, the UK’s largest supermarket chain, has announced plans to run its 2,000 diesel-fueled delivery vehicles on a B50 (50% biodiesel) blend starting in January 2007. Tesco said that using B50 blend would cut its greenhouse gas emissions by more than 70,000 tonnes per year. The company calculated that... Read more →

Test Drive of Aquaflow’s Wild-Algae Biodiesel

Scoop. A B5 (5%) blend of biodiesel produced by Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation (ABC) from wild algae successfully fueled a test drive in New Zealand by the Minister for Energy and Climate Change Issues, David Parker. The Aquaflow B5 also was used successfully several days earlier in a static engine test... Read more →

B-52 Flight Uses GTL Blend in All Eight Engines

Syntroleum Fischer-Tropsch technology is indifferent to the source of the syngas. Click to enlarge. Source: Syntroleum. A B-52 Stratofortress successfully completed a test flight on 15 December using a blend of Gas-to-Liquids fuels and conventional JP-8 in all eight engines. This is the first time a B-52 has flown using... Read more →

China Joins FutureGen; Signs Efficiency and Renewable Energy Protocol with US

China will join the Government Steering Committee of the FutureGen project, thereby making China the third country to join the United States in the FutureGen International Partnership. India joined in April 2006 and South Korea joined the FutureGen initiative in June 2006. The US and China also signed an Energy... Read more →

California Energy Commission Awards $3 Million to UC Davis for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Research

The California Energy Commission has approved $3 million to University of California, Davis for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) research center. The funds will be allocated over three years and use the UCD Institute of Transportation Studies as its hub. The goals of the research center are to: enhance... Read more →

Japan Proposes Tougher Fuel Economy Regulations; Passenger Car Fuel Economy to Increase 23.5% by 2015

Nikkei. Automakers in Japan would be required to boost the fuel efficiency of their passenger cars by an average of 23.5% by fiscal 2015 under new regulatory proposals unveiled Friday by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in partnership with the Ministry of Transport. (Earlier post.) Under the proposal,... Read more →

China Clean Energy to Build Second Biodiesel Plant

China Clean Energy Inc. (CCE), a producer of biodiesel fuel and green specialty chemical products in China, plans to build a new biodiesel plant that will expand its production capacity by an additional 100,000 tonnes (30 million gallons US) per year. In 2005, biodiesel production in China totaled between 100,000... Read more →

Total To Reduce Gas Flaring by 50% by 2012; Overall Reduction of 70% Since 1998

International oil major Total announced that it will reduce gas flaring by 50% at its operated facilities worldwide by 2012. In 2000, the company had introduced a zero-flaring policy for new projects. Flaring is the burning of associated gas—produced whenever oil is produced—when it cannot be used for another purpose.... Read more →

DuPont Exec Stresses Need for “Epic Gains” in Crop Production

To meet the growing global demand for crops, public and private researchers must develop a more complete understanding of plant genes and their interactions, according to DuPont Vice President Bill Niebur, who leads DuPont Crop Genetics Research and Development. Niebur noted that plant scientists helped increase corn production by 45%... Read more →

WMO Estimates 2006 as 6th Warmest Year on Record; Issues Statement on the Status of the Global Climate

The global mean surface temperature in 2006 is currently estimated to be + 0.42°C above the 1961-1990 annual average (14°C / 57.2°F), according to the records maintained by Members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The year 2006 is currently estimated to be the sixth warmest year on record. Final... Read more →

Study: Biomass-to-Liquids Could Meet 20% of Fuel Consumption in Germany

Second-generation biofuels such as Fischer-Tropsch Biomass-to-Liquids (BtL) are technically feasible and one of the most promising options for future fuels, according to a study just released by the German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH—dena). Germany has sufficient biomass available for large-scale BtL production which could meet 20% of today’s fuel... Read more →

GoinGreen Introduces G-Wiz AC Model Electric Car; Upgradeable to Li-ion

The Reva G-Wiz. The UK’s GoinGreen has introduced the first of the new, improved performance Reva G-Wiz AC drive electric cars. Launched at the British Motor Show in the summer, the G-Wiz AC replaces the current G-Wiz DC. Cost is the same (£8,299 inc VAT), but the AC offers enhanced... Read more →

ADB Study: CO2 Emissions from Asia Transport Sector Will Triple Over Next 25 Years

Projected increase in on-road CO2 emissions in India and China. Click to enlarge. Even under the most optimistic current scenarios for managing the expansion of road traffic in Asia, emissions of carbon dioxide from the transport sector will triple over the next 25 years, according to a new study backed... Read more →

Fiat Auto and Tata Motors Joint Venture in India; Tata Considering Entry into China

Fiat Auto and Tata Motors announced the formation of their joint venture in India, located at the Fiat plant at Ranjangaon, in the State of Maharashtra. The Ranjangaon plant—with capacities to produce in excess of 100,000 cars and 200,000 engines and transmissions yearly—will manufacture vehicles for the Indian and overseas... Read more →

BASF Future Business to Buy Fuel Cell Component Supplier

BASF Future Business GmbH (Ludwigshafen, Germany) will acquire Frankfurt-based PEMEAS GmbH, a leading supplier of fuel cell components, from a group made up of seven investors. No financial details were disclosed. The acquisition will be completed by the end of January. With this purchase, BASF is strengthening its activities in... Read more →

China to Invest $128 Billion to Develop Coal-Based Synthetic Fuels

Xinhua. China will invest more than one trillion yuan (US$128 billion) to develop alternative coal-based synthetic fuels to ease the country’s dependence on oil imports, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The project aims to produce 30 million tons of liquefied coal and 20 million tons of... Read more →

Ford Canada Delivers 3 Hydrogen ICE Shuttle Buses to Canadian Senate

Hydrogen shuttles for the Senate. Ford of Canada recently became the first automaker to deliver hydrogen-fueled vehicles for fleet use in Canada. Three Canadian-made hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine-powered shuttle buses are replacing gasoline-powered buses used by the Senate of Canada in Ottawa. In addition, Ford of Canada is preparing seven... Read more →

Lear Introduces SoyFoam for Automotive Seating

Lear Corporation, one of the world’s leading automotive interior suppliers, has developed a soybean oil-based flexible foam material—SoyFoam—for automotive interior applications. Most auto manufacturers today use a 100% petroleum-based polyol foam. Per year, the US market for this material is 3 billion pounds; 9 billion pounds worldwide. An average of... Read more →

London Provides First Street Recharging Points for Electric Vehicles

Westminster City Council in London has introduced two free street recharging points for electric cars—the first on-street points in the UK. Westminster already provides 48 free recharging stations, but these are located in 13 of the city’s parking garages. The two new bays are in the Covent Garden area, in... Read more →

BlueFire Ethanol Targeting 1.5B Gallons Per Year of Cellulosic Ethanol by 2012

Overview of 10-step BlueFire (Arkenol) process. Click to enlarge. BlueFire Ethanol has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with MECS, Inc. (formerly Monsanto Enviro-Chem Systems, Inc.) as its lead Engineering Procurement and Construction contractor for BlueFire’ cellulosic ethanol plants. BlueFire’s goal is to design, develop and construct 20 biomass-to-ethanol plants in... Read more →

European Parliament Adopts Implementation Dates for Euro 5

The European Parliament this week adopted a legislative report for the implementation of Euro 5 emissions standards beginning 1 September 2009 for private cars (M1), with a transition period extending up to 1 January 2011. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) regarded the 18-month implementation deadline suggested by the Commission—which... Read more →

EPA Proposes First Onboard Diagnostic Systems (OBD) for New Large Trucks and Buses

EPA is proposing rules requiring the use of onboard diagnostic (OBD) systems to monitor the emissions control systems of large diesel and gasoline highway trucks and buses weighing more than 14,000 pounds. Onboard diagnostic systems, used in passenger vehicles since the mid-1990s, monitor emissions control components, detect need for emission-related... Read more →

Isuzu Introduces New ELF Truck; Start-Stop System Now Standard

The 6th-generation ELF. Isuzu Motors has introduced the first model of its fully remodeled ELF truck—the sixth generation of the popular commercial vehicle. Automatic start-stop systems are now standard equipment in the non-hybrid ELF models—ELF is the first truck to implement this type of fuel-saving system as standard. Isuzu also... Read more →

Xethanol in New Venture to Produce Ethanol from Waste Citrus Peels; Process Based on USDA Research

Xethanol Corporation has formed a venture with Renewable Spirits, LLC for the purpose of building a biomass-based pilot production facility that will utilize waste citrus peels as feedstock for ethanol production. The venture is located in Bartow, Florida, the heart of the state’s citrus industry. Citrus waste is rich in... Read more →

New UK Hybrid Sports Car Partnership

Westfield’s flagship 2000S. A new partnership between Westfield Sportscars Ltd. based in Kingswinford, West Midlands, and the University of Warwick’s Warwick Manufacturing Group will explore the potential for hybrid versions of Westfield’s sports car products. This move builds upon an initial Westfield commitment to develop Euro-4 emissions compliant version of... Read more →

NZ Draft Energy Strategy Embraces Biofuels and Plug-In Hybrids

Potential GHG reduction in the transport sector as outlined in the draft strategy. Click to enlarge. New Zealand Energy and Climate Change Minister David Parker has released the Government’s draft energy strategy. The strategy aims to ensure the country develops a sustainable and affordable energy system which minimizes greenhouse gas... Read more →

Tokyo R&D and Enova Deliver Electric Bus to Power Company

Enova Systems has partnered with Tokyo R&D to supply an electric bus to the Hokuriku Electric Power Company in Japan. The bus will now undergo testing and evaluation by the company to evaluate the market potential for this type of vehicle. Enova supplied Tokyo R&D with a 120 kW Electric... Read more →

DOE Study: Off-Peak Production from US Grid Could Support 184.8 Million Plug-In Hybrids

A new study for the US Department of Energy finds that off-peak electricity production and transmission capacity could power 84% of the country’s 220 million vehicles if they were plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Researchers at DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory also evaluated the impact of PHEVs on foreign oil... Read more →

HyPower Fuel Moves to Power Vehicle Only with Hydrogen from On-Board Electrolysis Unit

HyPower Fuel has equipped a Volkswagen GTi with an H2 Reactor (H2R) hydrogen system that it claims can produce sufficient hydrogen on-board, on-demand to power the vehicle using only water. Company management is quick to point out that these are preliminary laboratory results using prototype H2R units and will require... Read more →

BASF to Acquire Motorcycle Catalyst Business in China

BASF will acquire a motorcycle catalyst business in mainland China to meet the growing global demand for emissions-control technology. BASF Catalysts LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary formed by BASF after its acquisition of Engelhard Corporation in 2006 (earlier post), will acquire Guilin REEcat Catalyst Co., Ltd (REEcat), a motorcycle emissions-control catalyst... Read more →

CO2 Emissions Will Reduce Density of Earth’s Outermost Atmosphere by 2017

Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels will produce a 3% reduction in the density of Earth’s outermost atmosphere by 2017, according to a team of scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and Pennsylvania State University (PSU). The research appears in the latest issue of... Read more →