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Meijer and GM Mark 20th E85 Pump in Michigan

Meijer and General Motors marked the opening of Meijer’s twentieth E85 ethanol fueling location in the state of Michigan.

GM, Meijer, CleanFUEL USA and the State of Michigan entered into a partnership last year to expand the E85 infrastructure in the state.

As part of this collaboration, local GM dealers are helping to promote the new refueling stations when customers purchase FlexFuel vehicles and GM will continue to focus on increasing awareness of E85 ethanol as a renewable, alternative fuel. To drive awareness around E85 ethanol and to encourage customers to consider using this cleaner burning fuel, Meijer has been selling ethanol at all of the 20 locations for 10 cents less than the price of unleaded gas.

Michigan is also home to one of the largest concentrations of GM’s E85 flexible fuel vehicles in the country, with more than 140,000 in use.



This is laughable.


140,000 guzzlers in use... Great, just what we need.

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