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Petrobras and Japan Bank for International Cooperation Ink MOU for Biofuel Projects

Petrobras has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) to assess the possibility of financing for biofuel projects Petrobras is undertaking in association with Japanese companies both in Brazil and abroad.

The projects under evaluation include ethanol and biodiesel production and marketing, in addition to bioelectricity generation from sugarcane bagasse and opportunities to obtain carbon credits.

JBIC’s executive director said the bank intends to strengthen its relationship with Petrobras, “the biggest and best partner for biofuel projects, since the company detains technology for ethanol, biodiesel, and has a huge transportation structure.”

The long-term partnership between the bank and Petrobras has already resulted in financing for projects in the offshore, refining, and transportation areas for a total of $6.5 billion in investments.

Oil will continue being the planet’s main source of energy for quite a long time, but the world needs alternatives to this production. The partnership with JBIC will help us to position Petrobras on the forefront of biofuel production.

—José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo, Petrobras President


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She goes on to describe a spinach and green garlic soup that she recreated from a bowl she’ d had in San Francisco. Now, we could at this point head into“ I’ m so much more accomplished than you” territory, at which point, I’ d have looked elsewhere. But she admitted to (a) having never bought green garlic before, (b) being cheap enough to wait to buy said garlic at Whole Foods until the price went down, and (c) not being all that great at recreating dishes. Then she goes on to give the recipe of this soup,...

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