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USABC Issues RFPI and Goals for Development of Batteries for Plug-in Hybrid Applications

The United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC), composed of DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation, recently issued a request for proposal information (RFPI) for advanced high-performance battery development for plug-in hybrid-electric vehicle (PHEV) applications.

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), USABC will award contracts to selected developers that have electrochemical energy storage technologies capable of meeting or approaching USABC’s performance, weight, life-cycle and price criteria, plus near- and long-term technical readiness goals for high power-to-energy-ratio and high energy-to-power-ratio batteries, respectively.

The USABC solicitation is part of the DOE’s FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program and is part of a cost-shared solicitation for PHEV battery development announced earlier this year.

USABC is a consortium of the USCAR. Supported by a cooperative agreement with the DOE that provides up to 50 percent of the USABC budget, USABC’s mission is to develop electrochemical energy storage technologies that support commercialization of fuel cell, hybrid and electric vehicles.

All developers submitting proposals will be required to demonstrate that they have the potential to develop commercially viable business, which can produce sufficient volumes to meet automotive requirements, and provide engineering and testing support to meet automotive implementation requirements.

At the time of submittal, all developers will be required to have demonstration hardware and test results available for USABC inspection.

USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for PHEVs
Requirements at End of Life (EOL)
Characteristics at EOL High Power/Energy
Ratio Battery
High Energy/Power
Ratio Battery
Reference Equivalent Range miles 10 40
Peak Pulse Discharge Power - 2s / 10s kW 50 / 45 46 / 38
Peak Regen Pulse Power (10 sec) kW 30 25
Available Energy for CD
(charge depleting) mode, 10 kW rate
kWh 3.4 11.6
Available Energy for CS
(charge sustaining) mode
kWh 0.5 0.3
Minimum Round-trip Energy Efficiency (USABC HEV cycle) % 90 90
Cold cranking power at -30°C, 2s - 3 Pulses kW 7 7
CD Life /Discharge Throughput Cycles/MWh 5,000 / 17 5,000 / 58
CS HEV Cycle Life, 50 Wh Profile Cycles 300,000 300,000
Calendar Life, 35°C year 15 15
Maximum System Weight kg 60 120
Maximum System Volume Liter 40 80
Maximum Operating Voltage Vdc 400 400
Minimum Operating Voltage Vdc >0.55 x Vmax >0.55 x Vmax
Maximum Self-discharge Wh/day 50 50
System Recharge Rate at 30°C kW 1.4 (120V/15A) 1.4 (120V/15A)
Unassisted Operating & Charging Temperature Range °C -30 to +52 -30 to +52
Survival Temperature Range °C -46 to +66 -46 to +66
Maximum System Production Price
@ 100k units/yr
$ $1,700 $3,400




Since all the players here are multinational companies anyway, why don't they invite Toyota, Honda, Nissan etc. etc. into the mix? Toyota probably has a bigger presence in American then does Daimler Chrysler. They could all lock arms and sway back and forth to "we are the (big auto) world". The whole thing still stinks on ice.


I heard that they sell almost as many Buick cars in China as they do in the U.S.

The car companies are definitely global and they will go where the labor force and markets are.

So, If you want to see where the automakers are going, follow the money.
Do not just look at trends in the U.S. Toyota has made a big commitment to hybrids
and it is not just because of the U.S. market.

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