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SDTC Provides C$48 Million in Funding for Clean Tech Projects; Li-Ion Battery for Hybrids Among Them

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) approved C$48 million (US$45.8 million) in new funding for the development and demonstration of 19 clean technologies.

Among the newly funded projects are the development of lithium-ion battery packs for hybrid vehicles, a continuously variable transmission (CVT) for heavy-duty applications; the retrofitting of hydrogen-based diesel engine emissions reduction systems; demonstrating a process for the reforming of bio-feedstocks such as glycerol to hydrogen; and demonstrating a process for producing cellulosic ethanol from wood waste.

Li-ion Battery. Advanced Lithium Power Inc. is leading a consortium that includes E-One Moli Energy (Canada) Limited and Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc.

ALP has developed proprietary battery management and control systems, including cell balancing and thermal management, for lithium-ion battery packs. E-One Moli Energy is a lithium-ion cell manufacturer. A spin-off from the lithium research program at the University of British Columbia, E-One Moli has a production capacity of 2 million cylindrical cells per month, and is the only high volume manufacturer of cylindrical lithium-ion rechargeable cells in North America. The Molicels use lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) in the cathode.

Quantum acquired a 19.9% stake in Advanced Lithium Power Inc. in 2006. (Earlier post.) Quantum is using an ALP battery pack and management system to fulfill a $2.1 million contract from California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) to develop, manufacture, and deploy 20 Ford Escape PHEVs for demonstration in Southern California.

Advanced Lithium Power Inc. (ALP), has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a leading Chinese automaker to jointly develop battery-dominant propulsion systems for passenger vehicles, with the goal of establishing a cooperative venture to commercialize products globally. (Earlier post.)

The SDTC project is intended to advance the company’s existing prototype battery results by building, testing, and demonstrating a production-ready battery pack to automotive manufacturers.

Heavy-duty CVT. CVT Corp. is working with Atelier d’usinage Coté & Audet Inc. on this project. Despite their improved efficiency over conventional geared transmissions, CVTs have not been adopted in heavy duty vehicles to date due to the mechanical strain imposed by the high torque associated with these vehicles. CVT Corp. has developed a high efficiency toroidal CVT suitable for the heavy-duty vehicle market. CVT Corp’s system will be tested on a tractor. The company expects to demonstrate dramatically reduced fuel consumption (as much as 25%) as well as the amount of air contaminants produced.

Diesel emissions reduction. NxtGen Emission Controls Inc. is leading a consortium that inlcudes Engine Control Systems Inc. and Mullen Trucking LP.

NxtGen Emission Controls is developing diesel emission reduction technology using hydrogen produced from diesel fuel and engine exhaust to reduce particulate matter and NOx emissions while enabling engine manufacturers to increase fuel economy. NxtGen’s components can be retrofitted onto existing diesel trucks or factory installed on new vehicles. The project involves retrofitting the emission reduction system onto medium and heavy-duty commercial trucks to validate performance and durability in daily over-the-road operation.

Bio-feedstocks to hydrogen. HTC Hydrogen Technologies Corp. is leading a consortium that includes: Dumur Industries; HTC Purenergy; Milligan Bio-Tech Inc.; Pinnacle Industrial Services; Pound-Maker AgVentures Ltd.; and University of Regina/International Test Centre for CO2 Capture.

HTC plans to build the first multi-feedstock hydrogen production demonstration project to reform bio-feedstock material such as glycerol into hydrogen. The process is designed to be scaleable from very small to very large plants—with an aim to solve the long standing transportation and storage cost barriers to hydrogen market growth.

Cellulosic ethanol from wood waste. Woodland Biofuels Inc. and its partners—Minas Basin Pulp and Power Company Ltd. and Thermo Design Engineering—will build a demonstration facility to efficiently produce cellulosic ethanol from wood waste using Woodland’s patented Catalyzed Pressure Reduction technology, which also can be used to convert a broad range of renewable biomass materials into sustainable fuels.

The project will field test the new integrated system equipment, determine energy consumption/operating costs, and prove the technology’s efficiency. A steam blown gasifier will produce syngas for cleaning and catalytic conversion to ethanol. Waste heat from the plant will also eliminate the need to use 19,000,000 liters per year of Bunker C oil at a neighboring paper recycling plant.

The 14 other projects target sectors core to Canada’s economy including energy exploration and production; power generation; energy utilization; agriculture; forestry, wood products and pulp & paper products; and waste management. Funding for each project is subject to final contract execution.

SDTC is a not-for-profit foundation that finances and supports the development and demonstration of clean technologies which provide solutions to issues of climate change, clean air, water quality and soil, and which deliver economic, environmental and health benefits to Canadians. To do so, the Foundation draws from an investment fund of $550 million.

The Government of Canada established SDTC in 2001. The Foundation reports to Parliament through the Minister of Natural Resources Canada.

Since April 2002, SDTC has completed ten funding rounds, committed $285 million to 125 clean technology projects, and leveraged $690 million from project consortia members, for a total portfolio value of $975 million.

SDTC will launch its next call for Statements of Interest (SOIs) on September 5, 2007. The upcoming call for SOIs will include a request for projects with technologies that address climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil issues. Solutions that address more than one focus area are of greatest interest.

In addition to the current fund, the 2007 Federal Budget announced the creation of the new NextGen Biofuels Fund. With this new Fund, which SDTC is in the process of establishing, the Foundation will work to maximize the Canadian feedstock advantage by establishing large-scale facilities for the production of next generation renewable fuels.




I think that in all these projects , hydrogen is the best. Why mess up with batteries. You will need 4 hours or more to recharge, it's not realistic. Hydrogen is clean and can be made infinitally with water then it's returning to water.. An infinite source of energy, It can be made onboard the vehicule.


Many may not agree with you.

Quick charge (A FEW MINUTES AT AN APPROPRIATE CHARGE STATION), long life batteries and/or supercaps PHEVs or BEVs may have much better efficiency and be available sooner (at an affordable price) than hydrogen fuel cells.

Hydrogen fuel cells may eventually become competitive on large vehicles (heavy trucks + buses + trains + ships) but BEVs (and PHEVs) will be the prefered technology for cars and small VUS for the next decade or two.

Low cost BEVs and PHEVs will be coming out from China and India within one or two years.

Reality Czech

Dr. Ulf Bossel notes that truly renewable hydrogen is only about 25% efficient from electricity in to electricity out, and it has to compete with its own feedstock (renewable electricity).


Let's work together in conserving our energy. Use more windmills, solar, and water. What if there is a unit that can supply a whole house with endless power and 0% emissions. It is also portable and runs like a standby generator all the time. No noise and it wouldn't cost more than a standby generator. You could forget power companies and we would have independance from them. We could cut back on emissions from power plants. If interested, email me. I could always use the help putting my development on the market. Email - [email protected]


I appreciate what you are doing, but what if we could develop another way to power cars completely different than ethanol blend fuels? How about a car that runs on no biofuels and has 0% emissions by 2007 or 2009? It sounds hard to believe but it's here now. By 2014 we could start seeing levels of emissions drop 10% to 20%. If you are interested, please email me. I could always use the help to bring my development to the market. You can email me at [email protected]


Can any one tell me where the hell this Hydrogen is comming from without first producing pollution? If you have Hydrogen I have better conversion technique to energy than Fuel Cell, "BURN IT in internal cumbustion engine" I promiss you will get more efficiency than converting to electricity first then storing in battery and then taking from battery to an electromotor and using it can you imagine drop in efficiency?


Can any one tell me where the hell this Hydrogen is comming from without first producing pollution? If you have Hydrogen I have better conversion technique to energy than Fuel Cell, "BURN IT in internal cumbustion engine" I promiss you will get more efficiency than converting to electricity first then storing in battery and then taking from battery to an electromotor and using it can you imagine drop in efficiency?

recycling containers

The building in which my appartment is located has a small cobbled courtyard with some flower beds in front of it. The flower beds are lovingly maintained by a couple of the elderly ladies living in the building and it really is a nice place to sit out when you want a spot of fresh air. The yard is separated from the street by an extension with a tanning salon, a small kiosk/ store- plus- licensed- gambling- machines, a sandwich bar and the local office of the Elderly Organisation. There are two short...


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