Thailand Boosting Palm Oil Production for Biodiesel
29 July 2007
TNA. Thailand’s Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has drawn up a plan to develop and enlarge the palm oil growing area between 2008 and 2012.
Theera Wongsamut, deputy permanent secretary for Agriculture and Cooperatives, said his ministry planned to increase Thailand’s palm oil plantation area by another 2.5 million rai [400,000 hectares or 988,422 acres] during the five-year period, with new palm oil trees to be grown on two million rai, and fine palm oil seeds would be grown in 500,000 rai, replacing the old ones.
The increase in palm oil cultivation is targeted at biodiesel production.
Could I get the procedure of cultivation of palm oil plant ? Thank you for cooperation.
Posted by: Muzaffar Ahmad | 02 August 2008 at 01:35 PM