Toyota Cautions on Timing and Benefits of Plug-in Hybrids
11 August 2007
Detroit News. A number of serious hurdles stand in the way of getting plug-in hybrids on the road, according to an engineer with Toyota’s North American R&D center.
Justin Ward, an engineer with Toyota’s Advanced Technology Vehicles (ATV) department at Toyota Technical Center (TTC) told an audience at the 2007 Management Briefing Seminars in Traverse City, Michigan that even if the vehicles do make it to market, a battery-powered plug-in may be no more efficient in reducing carbon dioxide emissions than the current charge-sustaining gas-electric hybrids on the road today.
Ward’s comments come amid reports that Toyota is delaying its next-generation electric car because of safety concerns, which Toyota didn’t confirm. And they stood in contrast to one of General Motors Corp.’s biggest mantras of late: that plug-ins are coming soon and the vehicles will significantly reduce auto-related pollution and US fuel consumption.
“Everyone wants these benefits now. But as with any type of prototype activity, there are challenges and the challenges are real,” Ward said.
Just goes to show that practical engineering (and economics) are often a far cry from theory.
Posted by: jack | 11 August 2007 at 10:51 AM
Toyota appears to be conceding the introduction of the PHEV to GM. Will this damage their reputation or profits in any way? IBM waited nearly five years to introduce a microcomputer, then took 50% market share. That won't happen against GM - but I suspect that Toyota would rather err conservatively and give the first place prize to Chevrolet. PHEVs will eventually become their largest profit center and Toyota is in for the long run.
Nice to see the global auto industry cooperating on this chapter. It's getting better.
Posted by: gr | 11 August 2007 at 12:31 PM
"Justin Ward, an engineer with Toyota’s Advanced Technology.... a battery-powered plug-in may be no more efficient in reducing carbon dioxide emissions than the current charge-sustaining gas-electric hybrids on the road today."
That's exactly the issue. For security against imported petroleum, a NG tank (for biomethane) at least the size of the PHEV's battery pack can be re-trofitted to current HEV's, that can be refilled from home, pending future availability of low-cost and high-durability batteries.
Posted by: Roger Pham | 11 August 2007 at 01:59 PM
Roger, North American natural gas production has peaked. Biomethane cannot make up for the decline. There is no point in converting any vehicles to methane in N. America except in cases like stranded supplies or special requirements (e.g. indoor); it just increases the competition for a shrinking resource.
Toyota is correct about the carbon impact of PHEVs if the electricity is supplied by conventional coal-fired plants. But that's not the whole story.
- The ability to substitute domestic coal for imported oil increases US energy security.
- The ability to add wind, solar, and nuclear power to the grid reduces the per-mile carbon impact of all electric vehicles, no matter how old they are.
- PHEVs have the potential to add to stability of the electrical grid without any additional cost.
It's past time to get cracking.Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 11 August 2007 at 07:26 PM
Too bad Toyota is being so cautious. I already own one Prius and I plan on replacing my wifes Subaru with a PHEV. The only question is will it be a Toyota Prius or a Chevy Volt.
If both of these big companies are slow to market I just might build my own BEV.
In my work shop is an electric motorcycle that I have ridden to work most of the summer. It now has over 1000 trouble free miles. On the roof of my workshop is a set of solar panels that I use to charge the motorcycle. When the sun is not enough, my grid power comes from the wind. for details.
If enough of us quit buying cars that burn fossil fuels and if enough of us quit buying electricity from Coal, how long would it take to clean up the air in our cities?
Posted by: KJD | 11 August 2007 at 08:21 PM
Toyota seems to be embarked on a planned campaign to support sales of their existing Hybrids while they are quietly working on the development of their next generation i.e. PHEVs
Toyota may have to buy safe high performance lithium battery packs for their first generation PHEVs if their own are not up to it. Otherwise, GM may beat Toyota to the market with a PHEV-40 in 2010.
If this happens, how long will Toyota take to catch up?
Posted by: | 12 August 2007 at 01:19 PM
It's really sad that Toyota, for all the good that they've done with the Prius, has decided that on PHEVs there's not enough in it for them now and they feel obligated to sell the public against what they don't have on the lot. Toyota has been a cm away from the first PHEV, like the one they now have in testing, since 2004; they could have put it out in 2005. And it would be a very good start for the field; it just wouldn't be that exciting.
"...may be no more efficient in reducing CO2 ..." is beside the point, unless the point is a punchy debut. The 8-mile Prius would significantly reduce CO2 now in California and other places where most buyers would be found, and in any case the list of PHEV benefits is long. Starting with oil dependence, followed by consumer economic protection and city smog. But getting back to CO2, the crux of the issue is that electricity--PHEVs--opens the door wide to renewable, sequestration, and dramatic rises in efficiency in fuel burning. Whereas cars that run on fluid fuels (mostly petroleum) open that door at most a crack, and with a security chain limiting it from opening wide, arguably ever.
Other fuels, like NG and ethanol should also be pursued but are separate issues, separate fronts. Indeed a good argument can be made that altfuel cars should also be plug-in hybrids, despite the complaints about double cost bumps. Greater efficiency and some AER would moderate NG tank volume, for instance, and if you have a hitch getting fuel, electrical outlets as backup would be a big help. And with electricity providing most of the juice, cost and availability of the altfuel won't get in the way of these cars being a thorough solution that renders petroleum unimportant.
Posted by: P Schager | 12 August 2007 at 03:25 PM
It's so scary, now we are gonna freeze in the winter due to lack of methane?
I've just read here in GCC that coal can easily be converted to methane in few simple steps, just as easily as making electricity from coal, except coal to methane involves gasification of the coal and hence does not pollute the atmosphere, and easier than CTL by pyrolysis or F-T.
High-temp solid oxide cells can produce methane directly from H2O and CO2 using solar and wind electricity. Solar heat can supply the high-temp needed for the solid oxide cells, or heat from a gas turbine power plant can be used along with the CO2 in the exhaust of the power plant, hence CO2 recycling to reduce CO2 released into the atmosphere.
You say we don't have that infrastructure in place yet? Yes, too bad! But neither do we have any BEV nor PHEV roaming the street, either, except for a rare number from enthusiasts. AND, we don't have much electricity coming from solar or wind electricity anyway.
It's time to start investing in renewable energy and synthetic fuels infrastructure, America! Bring the troops home and let them work in factories and construction sites for renewable energy infrastructure! Money spent on war can build a lot of long-lasting stuffs, and yes, Haliburton and KBR et al can still get all the contracts! :)
Posted by: Roger Pham | 12 August 2007 at 03:34 PM
"Toyota may have to buy safe high performance lithium battery packs for their first generation PHEVs if their own are not up to it. Otherwise, GM may beat Toyota to the market with a PHEV-40 in 2010.
If this happens, how long will Toyota take to catch up?
How long will it take to tweak an engine to run on methane and to add a small NG tank the size of a PHEV battery pack that you can fillup the NG tank from home? Honda already has available commercially NG home fill up mechanism and NG Civic. NG is ideal for the Prius' Atkinson-cycle engine with variable intake valve timing. NG can take higher compression ration than gasoline, hence the engine can have higher effective compression ratio to enhance power to make up for the larger volume of air taken up by the NG in comparison to gasoline. Since NG is already vaporized, a single NG injector at the throttle body is all that's needed, instead of 4 port injectors in the case of gasoline.
NG has always been much cheaper than gasoline, anyway, and may be competitive with electricity per unit of energy at the wheel.
Posted by: Roger Pham | 12 August 2007 at 03:46 PM
This still begs the questions:
- Can the SNG plants be built fast enough?
- If so, could we mine enough coal to feed them?
- Is there enough transport capacity to get the coal and plants together?
- Is there sufficient water to run the process at that scale?
- If all those answers are "yes", is this the best investment we could make?
If any of those answers are "no", we need other solutions and we need them pronto.Roger, you appear to mean well so don't take this the wrong way, but the last thing you described couldn't work unless it was a massive violation of both the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Even the HTSOCs would have large energy losses, and high capital expense to boot. I'm certain that you haven't even tried to calculate the cost of producing methane this way, nor have you tried to identify suitable sources of concentrated CO2 (powerplant exhaust is not concentrated).
Absent all the required energy and material supplies, talk of making methane to replace natural gas for our legacy systems is eerily reminiscent of the Ghost Dance of the plains indians as they tried to bring back the buffalo herds and save their lifestyle.
NG prices post-Katrina would have forced many people to do without heat, or with much less. Mild winters have saved us two years in a row, but we can't depend on this. So yes, I expect people to freeze some winter in the near future, in part as a consequence of our horrible misinvestments during the building boom which is now ending. Chemically simple, but expensive and thermodynamically inefficient. It also involves large CO2 emissions. The N. Dakota SNG plant ships its CO2 to an oil field in Weyburn, but if you're going to do that today you might as well make hydrogen and sequester all the carbon.Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 12 August 2007 at 07:49 PM
And since I've spent so many words saying what won't work, let me list some things that I'm certain will work:
Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 12 August 2007 at 10:25 PM
All four points above will work, no doubt, but they surely won't happen overnite.
Energy conservation is the central key to a successful renewable synthetic fuels program, otherwise, the investment cost will be too high.
I don't quite have the time to research the exact energy efficiency of HTSOEC for methane, but for H2, it's around 45-50% thermal efficiency overall, accounting for the actual thermal input and thermal energy required to produce the electricity going into the electrolytic process. This is comparable to or even better than the efficiency of electrical generation, depending on which method. The best of PV panel is 42% from solar to electricity, but the average is ~20%. Solar thermal to electricity is 30% maximum. H2 to methane is~80% efficient, as far as I can recall, so it's still within the ball park.
Again, conservation is the central key, and I wish we are having a national Manhattan project going into these things instead of wasting money you know where!
Posted by: Roger Pham | 12 August 2007 at 11:01 PM
For those of us who are somewhat familiar with pyrolysis but had to look up the word "torrefied":
Posted by: Neil | 12 August 2007 at 11:27 PM
Over consumption of (past and current cheap and often dirty) energy may be at the root of our energy and pollution problems. We (Americans & Canadians) consume 2 to 3 times the energy per capita than other industrialized nations. This is not justified. There are 1001 well known ways to change that.
Asuming that both countries would actively promote a 10 to 20 years all-azimuth energy conservation program, the resultant 50% reduction in energy consumption could progressively negate future Oil Wars, most if not Oil Imports into USA and liberate enough Canadian Oil for International Export.
Positive secondary effects would be:
- major reduction (50 + %) in CO2 and GHG levels.
- Major reduction in unjustified deaths from oil wars and pollution.
- Major reduction in health care cost.
- Major reduction (50 + %) in personnal cost of energy thru equivalent consumption reduction.
Of course, somebody would have to finance this (all azmuth) program. The $$$ billions used for the Irak + Afganistan wars would be a good source. A progressive carbon tax such as (2 cents/gallon/month) on gas and diesel could do the rest.
The 200,000 + soldiers fighting those hopeless wars could become a huge home brigade to construct and install wind mills, solar farms etc.
Arms manufacturers could be recycled to produce solar panels, wind mills parts, high capacity batteries, geothermal systems, nuclear plants, electrical distribution systems, etc.
The Wind potential in USA/Canada in enough to supply 40 + % of the reduced energy required with expanded east-west and north-south power grids.
A combination of PHEVs and BEVs is the logical approach to progressively replace the current 200 + millions vehicles on USA and Canadian roads by 2030.
Posted by: | 13 August 2007 at 06:54 AM
Roger, again I'm sure you mean well, but you have made some huge errors leading to grossly faulty conclusions.
You are comparing apples and oranges. You are comparing conversion from pure work (electricity) to chemical energy against conversion from a thermal spectrum of light to electricity. Sunlight is a raw input, electricity is a finished product; the two conversions are not comparable on raw efficiency.I've seen efficiencies for room-temperature electrolysis in the 60+% range, and I doubt that HTSOCs would be any worse (else why use them). Let's say 75% for electrolytic conversion of both H2O to H2+O2 and CO2 to CO+O2. After 20% loss in methanation, you're down to 60%. Losses in HVDC power lines run about 3%/1000 km; you could run the energy some 13,000 km as electricity (coast to coast of the USA and back) and have the same amount left.
But you've converted to chemical energy, and unless you are making stuff out of carbon you need to convert it to something else. This means losses again. If you are running a vehicle and your powertrain efficiency is 20% (ballpark for a small ICE), your end-to-end efficiency falls to an abysmal 12%. Had you kept the energy as electricity, transmitted it 3,300 km by HVDC (10% loss), shifted it through a charger (90%), battery (95% for Li-ion), motor driver (90%) and motor (90%), you'd get 62% end to end. Converting to methane requires more than 5 times as much electricity at the input, and that's before you consider the energy cost of finding the CO2 to feed the process or pumping the product.
As they like to say down in the South, that dog don't hunt. Now why the heck aren't you checking your own concepts so you don't push nonsense like this?
Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 13 August 2007 at 08:19 PM
Solar thermal to electricity is ~30% efficient. Nuclear thermal to electricity is ~35%.
Thermal efficiency of HT-SOEC is ~45-50% from heat to hydrogen, either from solar heat or high-temp nuclear heat. Which process has the highest thermal efficiency?
BEV is more efficient from grid-to-wheel calculation in comparison to ICE-HEV from tank to wheel, so the two evens out, and are quite comparable source-to-wheel wise.
High-temp SOEC electricity to H2 is 140% efficient, or twice the efficiency of room-temp electricity to H2 of ~70%. The greater than unity efficiency (140%) is due to the contribution of the energy of high-temp heat to the process.
Let's not confuse the issue. Overall efficiency from source to wheel, be it solar heat or nuclear heat, via BEV or H2-V is quite comparable. A small penalty for CH3 (methane) route, but infrastructure for methane already exists, plus CNG has higher volumetric energy density than Compressed H2. The CO2 for the synthesis of methane is already present in the exhaust of a power plant, free of charge.
A simple ICE-car has no place in the post-petroleum era when expensive synthetic fuels in limited amounts are all we are gonna get. It will take the best ICE-HEV, like the next-gen Prius, or the FCV-hybrid, like the Honda FCX, or GM Sequel, or Ford Edge, etc...
Likewise, future BEV will need high-durability and powerful nanotech batteries to make it commercially viable. Current battery tech just won't cut it for a mass-market BEV.
Posted by: Roger Pham | 13 August 2007 at 09:27 PM
All right, Roger. Don't keep us all waiting. Since you have numbers, use them to calculate your total efficiency and see which system needs the least input energy (which is a good proxy for cost).
Posted by: Reality Czech | 14 August 2007 at 11:46 AM
Reality Czech = sockpuppet
Posted by: jack | 14 August 2007 at 12:08 PM
BEV: 0.35 thermal efficiency * 62% plant-to-wheel (with LD penalty, multiply by 1.07 to get today's average losses) = 21.7% total.
HTSOC to methane to wheel: 50% heat-to-chem * 80% methanation * 20% vehicle efficiency = 8% total.
You might claim that the chemical pathway has advantages of storage. It also has the disadvantage of 2.7 times as much input heat required (and the capital expense of the reactors and chemical equipment). On top of this, you are still emitting carbon into the atmosphere, so you have to add the likely expense of taxes or emissions permits.
Only if you count the heat, and the capital equipment to generate or capture it, as free.Ironic.
We already have the infrastructure for electricity, and it has more uses. The only thing it can't do is time-shift. Best of all, we can hook up the PHEV and BEV systems today; the nuclear-hydrogen scheme requires reactors which aren't even on the drawing boards.
Really, now?
- There's considerable capital expense to capture it, plus a 10% energy penalty for the best system proposed thus far (chilled ammonia); other systems have larger losses.
- This will only happen in a world of carbon taxes or caps. $30/ton of CO2 is $110/ton of carbon (the Stern Review found a social cost of $85/ton).
- You're assuming that we'll have fossil powerplants to make carbon dioxide, and then nuclear powerplants to create the energy to recapture it and turn it into motor fuel. CTL is probably cheaper, and even more compatible with current infrastructure.
I'm willing to look at serious ideas, but Rube Goldberg-esque hand-waving doesn't deserve more than raspberries. Are they? Using your numbers for nuclear:Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 14 August 2007 at 11:13 PM