Altairnano-Powered Dragster Sets New EV World Elapsed Time Record (corrected)
31 December 2007
Dennis “Kilowatt” Berube set a new National Electric Drag Racing Association (NEDRA) elapsed time electric vehicle world record driving an electric dragster powered by Altairnano battery packs, achieving 7.956 seconds for the quarter-mile run.
The elapsed time results edged out the prior record holder, the KillaCycle (earlier post) at 7.991 seconds. The top NEDRA speed record remains with the KillaCycle (160.69 mph). Berube’s dragster reached 159.85 mph on its 7.956-second run.
(In November 2007, the KillaCycle made a quarter-mile run in 7.824 seconds and hit 168 mph. (Earlier post.))
Using Altairnano’s lithium-titanate battery packs, Berube’s electric dragster, named the Current Eliminator V, achieved the elapsed time record at the Southwestern International Raceway in Tucson, AZ on Sunday, 30 December. Requirements for setting the world record include two record-breaking times on the same day under the same conditions.
With runs rapidly decreasing in time, Berube began with 9.0 seconds, followed by 8.4, then 8.009 seconds. On the fourth run of the day, Berube broke into the 7-second category reaching 159.65 mph in 7.956 seconds. Dennis then followed with a consecutive run of 7.963 seconds while reaching 160.65 mph for the quarter mile.
This crushes yet another barrier to EV acceptance. Besides proving EV's can now have fast acceleration and top speeds, Altair's batteries have already proven fast-charge capability (under 10 minute fill-ups), longevity (15,000+ charge cycles ~ 15+ years service life), range (125+ miles per charge), and safety (no possibility for thermal runaway like what we saw in those laptops).
What's the only barrier remaining?......Battery cost. Let's see Altair tackle that one in '08.
Posted by: bjd002004 | 31 December 2007 at 02:23 PM
Hey, these guys should check their facts...the EV 1/4 mile speed record is still heldby the Killacycle at 168MPH and 7.8 seconds
Posted by: jane16 | 31 December 2007 at 03:30 PM
This is EV dragster is still twice as slow as the best fuel dragsters.
Posted by: tonychilling | 31 December 2007 at 06:09 PM
The killacycle isn't a dragster though
It's a motorcycle.
Posted by: GreyFlcn | 31 December 2007 at 06:10 PM
the NEDRA record says that Current Eliminator V beat the killa cycle.
Posted by: jordan | 31 December 2007 at 06:19 PM
Maybe the Killacycle and the Current Eliminator V should race against each other. That would be fun to watch.
Posted by: Domenick | 31 December 2007 at 08:53 PM
Another feather for Altair. The cost issue is the choke point - mass production for a major car maker would drive cost down further. Curious that no major has moved to license this technology.
Posted by: gr | 02 January 2008 at 11:56 AM