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Zenn Electric Car Still Blocked From Canadian Roads

CanadaEast. Despite approval by Transport Canada, the Canadian-made low speed electric vehicle Zenn is still barred from Canadian streets.

The car recently received the National Safety Mark from Transport Canada, approving its use in Canada, but each province has to legislate its use as a low-speed vehicle.

Transport Canada is updating the definition of electric low speed vehicles (LSVs) to allow manufacturers of small low-speed vehicle (LSV) trucks to begin to market them in Canada. (Earlier post.)

The Zenn—short for zero-emissions and no noise—can travel at a speed 40 kilometres an hour for more than 60 minutes at a time, ideal for going to the store, and plugs into an regular electrical outlet to recharge.

It retails between US$12,000 and $15,000 and can be driven legally in 45 of 50 US states, currently its primary destination. But the Toronto-based company doesn’t have a Canadian retail price because [CEO Ian] Clifford is still waiting on the provinces.

More than 200 Zenn cars have sold in the last 8 months, according to Clifford. The Zenn currently has six 12-volt batteries. The company has also made a US$2.5 million equity investment in Austin-based energy storage developer, EEStor. The negotiated investment terms also grant ZENN an additional investment option of up to US $5 million on the same terms, following EEStor’s successful completion of its next major milestone: permittivity testing.

EEStor is developing a new high-power-density ceramic ultracapacitor (the Energy Storage Unit—EESU). EEstor has publicly claimed a permittivity figure—a measurement of the ability of a material to store an electric charge&dmash;of 18,500 or more. The required permittivity levels are specified in detail in the existing Technology Agreement between ZENN Motor Company and EEStor. (Earlier post.)



this car and the whole idea is great,but where i live in Nova Scotia ,the roads aren't fit to drive on, unless its on the 100 series hwys.That little car would be like the rest of the cars ,beat to death ,so it goes to say ,we might not support anything good, hell we keep chasing visitors away because of the rough roads,so i'm sure the zenn car will have as much pull to the enviroment,as the roads , to tourists attraction
good luck with that

I am waiting to buy a nice econo environment friendly car 4 doors convertible if possible or big opening sun roof. Am I demending to much?

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