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Loremo to Build Battery-Electric Version

Loremo AG plans to build a battery-electric version of its Loremo (Low Resistance Mobile Light and Simple) car, with the E-Loremo to be available together with the launch of the diesel models at the beginning of 2010. (Earlier post.)

The EV will use a motor of approximately 20 kW power. ALthough the battery capacity hasn’t been specified, Loremo says that in regular mode the E-Loremo will likely consume 6 kWh/100 km, and that the goal is a mobility range of around 150 to 200 km.

A first prototype of the E-Loremo will likely be ready as soon as mid 2008, so it won’t make it to this year’s Geneva Motorshow. The board has therefore decided to call off participation to the fair and to put expenses into technical development and fine-tuning, instead.



That is great news! 60Wh/km is impressive.


Loremo is a very interesting car that may be ahead of its time. The investors better find a good market for it. The "build it and they will come" method was never a wise way to do business.


Thinking about this, the average car in Europe travels around 14,000km per year which, if they hit their consumption figures, works out to be 840kWh per year. You can get 800-850kWh per kWp out of solar PV in Northern Europe so combine the two and you have a true zero emission vehicle (neglecting embodied emissions). Even charged with grid electricity, you're still down at 30g/km with a grid carbon factor of 0.5kgCO2/kWh.


I love the fact that the light vehicle requires a relatively small battery which, once again helps with weight and especially cost.


Yes Loremo along with Aptera and Venture car are moving in the right direction, low weight and low drag, then making electric possible with reasonable amount of batteries. With 15Kwh of batteries these car can travel 150 Miles the volts will do only 40 miles...

When you think about it, these cars are all we need, and we will still drive even wnd gaz will cost 12$/Gallon...


If nothing else they seem like a contender for the automotive X prize.



With two Hi-Pa ( rear motor wheels of about 15 KWatt max.power each, the Loremo electric car would be perfect. These motor-wheels allow for regenerative breaking, and have the highest power/weight ratio world wide.
The range of the Loremo EV is a bit disappointing; please add more li-ion batteries to it.

Who needs a race monster anyway? Ultimate efficiency (ultra low air resistance, regenerative breaking, etc ...) is what the customer wants. There is a huge market for this car.

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