Nissan Adds Eco-Drive Service for CARWINGS Navigation System
04 February 2008
Image of Eco-drive check display (top) and ranking display (bottom). |
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. is adding a new service dubbed “Eco-Drive and You” for its on-board CARWINGS navigation system in Japan.
Since January 2007, Nissan CARWINGS members have been provided a range of services that have included fuel-efficiency rankings among owners of the same model and advice on efficient driving methods. The service has now been expanded to provide the same content found online via the onboard navigation system of car owners.
To add to driver convenience, the service will also offer voice audio guidance aside from the call-up display found in the dashboard. Car owners can now monitor their fuel consumption habits, experience better fuel-economy as well as receive helpful driving tips while on the road.
The service has three main components:
Eco-drive check (audio and video display). This displays average fuel consumption; fuel consumption trends; and the fuel consumption history and comparison to the last two records.
Eco-drive ranking (audio and video display). This displays average fuel consumption history, the driver’s ranking among CARWINGS members with the same model; and fuel expense annual savings.
Driving Advice (audio guidance). The covers various topics for the driver which also include tips on better fuel efficiency.
Separately, Nissan is piloting the ITS Project, a joint effort with the Kanagawa prefectural government to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce accidents through wireless cellular communication and probe signals, at Nissan’s Technical Center in Atsugi.
if it has ladder rankings, i'm down to buy a nissan.
I know i will easily be top 10 no problem, either a) you weigh less than 130 pounds or b) you know how to hypermile or c ) you can be full of ****
Posted by: philmcneal | 04 February 2008 at 04:56 PM
Maybe social networking in cars will be the 1st tier of development that eventually leads to AI driven cars. Get the CPU power and wireless www access into the vehicle and suddenly the infrastructure for collaborative traffic control and other efficiencies is just waiting to be utilized.
Posted by: Culprititus | 05 February 2008 at 08:11 AM