US Air Force Funding Research on BioSolar Hydrogen Production
12 March 2008
US Air Force-funded researchers are investigating ways to produce large quantities of hydrogen gas using photosynthetic algae and cyanobacteria. The program—Renewable Bio-solar Hydrogen Production from Robust Oxygenic Phototrophs—is led by Dr. Charles Dismukes of Princeton University and involves researchers from seven colleges and universities plus the Air Force Research Laboratory, known collectively as the BioSolarH2 team.
The purpose of this research is to screen, study and genetically engineer microbes that can use light energy to split water and produce hydrogen in the presence of oxygen. While screening, the BioSolarH2 team looks for naturally-occurring, photosynthetic microbes whose hydrogen-generating enzymes, or hydrogenases, are more tolerant of oxygen.
Algae as a class seem to prefer a direct hydrogen production process in which sunlight, which normally carries out photosynthetic charge separation, occurs as usual but the photo-products are diverted into H2 production via a hydrogenase.
Cyanobacteria as a class seem to prefer an indirect dark process that follows the light-dependent photosynthetic stage. This process converts glycogen (strong C-H bonds) into smaller C molecules by glycolysis. Ultimately some of these molecules are oxidized fully into CO2 by fermentation. These processes produce an intracellular form of hydrogen (called NADH or NADPH) and the energy-rich molecule ATP (which can be converted to protons). These are combined in the cells via a hydrogenase to make H2 gas.
All three metabolic pathways are needed in a single multi-functional organism: growth by photosynthesis; respiration of glycogen; and anaerobic fermentation of C intermediates. The coordination/interference of these reactions and their inherent activities need to be optimized in order to attain practical yields of H2.
Team members have identified several good candidate microbes from the volcanic soda lakes of the Rift Valley in East Africa, the Great Salt Lake and Yellowstone National Park.
A key discovery has been the identification of cyanobacteria that have much higher metabolic rates of hydrogen production arising from the need to regenerate cellular energy (ATP) for survival in these harsh environments.
—Charles Dismukes
The next step is studying the metabolic pathways that take place in the microbes to produce hydrogen gas. The team has developed fluorescence and electrochemical tools and bioreactors to measure the products and intermediate steps of these chemical reactions.
The BioSolarH2 team is also is using multiple strategies to manipulate the chemical reactions for increased hydrogen production. One involves the application of environmental stresses to accelerate the rate of the slow fermentation process so as to better match the natural diurnal cycle of the sun. For example, the researchers note, cyanobacteria that are stressed by osmotic shock via salt dilution can pump out H2 at 20-fold faster rates.
A newer approach involves knocking out the genes for hydrogenase-competing enzymes that consume the organic precursors essential to hydrogen production. This approach showed promise in its first trial with a twofold increase in hydrogen generation.
—Dr. Walter Kozumbo, AFOSR program manager
Multiple other pathways are under investigation. A molecular based approach is also under investigation using computational chemistry to model the detailed atomic pathways that hydrogenases appear to use to produce H2. This knowledge may guide the construction of mutant hydrogenases with enhanced properties.
Air Force officials say that eventual applications resulting from this research may include biomimetic models for engineering synthetic generators that produce molecular hydrogen from water and light. Such a capability would produce clean energy that could lead to greater independence from fossil fuels.
In addition to Princeton, the team incudes researchers from the Colorado School of Mines; Georgia Institute of Technology; Michigan State University; Montana State University; Penn State University; University of Hawaii; and the Air Force Research Laboratory.
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) funds the BioSolarH2 team as a part of the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI), which focuses on research efforts that combine traditional science and engineering disciplines to address issues of importance to the Department of Defense.
The BioSolarH2 project received its initial MURI award in FY 2005; MURI program funding runs for up to five years.
Could someone comment on this article I just read about GM's apparent imminent release of an Equinox hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. Notably lacking is an expected price.
Posted by: MarkBC | 12 March 2008 at 07:52 AM
One more car on the Hydrogen Highway.
Hydrogen Highway problems >
1 ) There is no free hydrogen.
2 ) All hydrogen conversions are inefficient.
3 ) All transport, storage, and filling involves seepage, spillage and waste.
4 ) Using Hydrogen as a transport fuel is about half as efficient as using electricity directly in Battery Electric vehicles.
Hydrogen Highway benefits >
1 ) It keeps the power and energy sector in the hands of a very rich select group.
This US Air Force Funding Research effort is to locate and improve by artificial selection on organisms that produce hydrogen as a waste product.
I suspect that the metabolism pathway being used also puts out CO2, but there is no information I can find to show this.
Posted by: John Taylor | 12 March 2008 at 08:42 AM
The hydrogen highway is what government and the auto industry loves
I am wondering what the percentage of fuel cell and hydrogen fuel related patents the auto industry holds
What I think is that they hold a great deal of them and see hydrogen cars as a higher priced product with more barriers to entry than say plug-ins and if they are developing patents on the fuel itself then they can hold interest in the fuel and its delivery thereby increasing their profits. Its a chance to get in on some of the profits that oil companies have had a strangle hold on.
These are just some thoughts I had trying to figure out why the government and the auto industry are so focused on this because really the hydrogen highway is retarded
Posted by: phronesis | 12 March 2008 at 10:25 AM
There is no visible infrastructure for FCV now or in planning stages. But this process may be a reasonable step in H2 fired power plants. And of course the algae eat tons of CO2 in the process.
Posted by: gr | 13 March 2008 at 01:49 AM
Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 13 March 2008 at 09:49 PM
I guess the oil industry would support H2 30 years in the future and refinery guys would say that ethanol endangers the the food supply.
When Carnegie was being challenged by Bessimer in the steel industry, he told everyone how bad the Bessimer process was and their stock went down. Then he bought the company, made no changes and now the process was just wonderful.
The old saying is "if you can not beat them join them" maybe this one is, if you can not beat them talk them down, buy them and make money. Oil companies may be the big buyers of biofuel companies in the not too distant future.
Venture funded companies have an exit strategy which includes going public or selling out. It does not matter which as long as profits for investors are maximized and it gets realized.
Posted by: sjc | 16 March 2008 at 10:50 AM
The Air Force is the Department of Defense's largest user of fuel - over $6 BILLION was spent on fuel LAST YEAR! If the AF can make their own fuel, they will be able to save the taxpayer copious amounts of $$$$$.
Posted by: ejj | 16 March 2008 at 03:12 PM