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Ken Livingstone Ousted as Mayor of London

Financial Times. Incumbent Ken Livingstone lost in the London Mayoral election to Tory Boris Johnson, one of a number of losses nationally for Gordon Brown and the Labour party.

Mr Johnson has also promised to reform the congestion charge. But, as with many of his plans, the policy lacks detail.

Johnson won the London race with 1,168,738 votes to Livingstone’s 1,028,966.



So it's worth reporting here.


The vote totals are pretty close, so maybe quite a few people liked some of the policies. I now know why people used the term Red Ken, it was a negative term to brand him on the left side politically. People resist change and lash out at those wanting it, even though they know that they need to do it. This may be one of the failings of democracy. We will not vote for someone that wants us to do what we should do. We vote for someone that tells us that we do not need to change and that everything will be all right just the way things are.


"We will not vote for someone that wants us to do what we should do. We vote for someone that tells us that we do not need to change and that everything will be all right just the way things are."

As you said the vote was pretty close. So I would say there are just a bunch of people that need better educating.

Al Fin

London was ready for change.


No this is the true power of democracy. If you only think about what you want and dont think about the impact of getting it and deal with with others impacted bt it you will get the boot.

Ken was an egomaniacal self cenetered git. He hurt alot of people and did nothing to help those people cope with the change.. and so he failed.


t is interesting that they used the word ousted as if we got rid of that guy. He may have been not the best, I do not know. I have observed that the status quo crowd has lots of money to brand and label anyone that may upset their plans.


WTF is up with you Limeys!!!
This gut is straight out of Monty Python.


WTF is up with you Limeys!!!
This guy is straight out of Monty Python.

anti gravity

But DS Boris is a yank, he was born in new york

stas peterson

Red Kenny with his attitude that the world is all a conspiracy; and all his contituents exist only to feed feed his unending tax appetite, has been defeated.

Why are we worrying about such a dweeb on GCC? Politicians come, and
Politicians go.

Waht else is new. Why do we care about this dweeb, on the pages of GCC?

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