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Michigan Awards $5M Grant for PHEVs

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) has awarded a partnership of the University of Michigan, GM, and DTE Energy Company $5 million to study plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as a Michigan economic development catalyst, the near-term vehicle-utility interface, the mid/long-term vehicle utility interface, and the environmental and electric utility system impacts of PHEVs.

The award was part of a larger, nearly $6.5-million set of energy efficiency grants to 14 organizations.

The Commission on 21 March had issued a request for proposals for Michigan energy efficiency grants for all customer classes with three distinct focuses: plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) pilot programs; compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) programs; and green community programs.

The grants are part of the Low-Income and Energy Efficiency Fund, which provides energy bill assistance for low-income customers and promotes the efficient use of energy by all customer classes. The MPSC is an agency within the  state’s Department of Labor & Economic Growth.



I would offer low income assistance after an energy audit and upgrade. It does not make sense to pay some of the bill in an inefficient home. If the upgrades cost, then they can be part of the program. We need to use less energy and this is one way to do it.

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