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Optimized Engines for Neat GTL Can Simultaneously Reduce Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Consumption

The concept for optimizing an engine for neat GTL. Optimization techniques are in blue, positive outcomes in green and negative outcomes in red. Some of the optimization techniques counter the negative outcomes of other optimization steps. Click to enlarge.

Researchers from Toyota Motor Corporation, Hino Motors and Showa Shell have evaluated the emissions reduction potential of three different Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) research fuels in three different latest-generation diesel engines of different displacements (2L, 4L and 8L). They also assessed differences in combustion phenomena between  the GTL fuels and a baseline petroleum diesel in a single cylinder engine with optical access.

Based on their findings, they optimized one of the engines to improve both exhaust emissions and fuel consumption simultaneously, assuming the use of a neat GTL fuel rather than a blend. They also improved the conversion efficiency of the NOx catalyst.

GTL fuels, with their high cetane and absence of PAH (poly-aromatic hydrocarbons), are cleaner-burning than petroleum diesel and have the potential to reduce PM, as well as the potential to reduce NOx emissions by increasing the EGR ratio without any smoke penalty.

Fuel Specifications in the Study
Property Baseline diesel
GTL Fuels
Fuel A Fuel B Fuel C
Density @15°C kg/m3 834 785 779 758
Distillation °C  
IBP 166 209 199 156
10% 217 244 227 171
50% 286 295 270 204
90% 339 341 312 302
FBP 360 358 324 320
Cetane number 54 78 78 69
Cetane Index 56.9 89.9 85.2 65.5
Viscosity @40°C cSt 3.926 4.441 3.331 1.773
Pour Point °C -12.5 -2.5 -20 -50
Lower calorific value MJ/kg 43.0 43.5 43.6 43.8
Aromatics wt%  
Mono 15.8
Di 1.9
Tri 0.2
Total 17.9
Sulfur wt% 6 <1 <1 <1

The absence of sulfur in GTL can also contribute to a fuel consumption improvement in the case of NOx adsorber catalyst use by reducing the desulfurization process frequency due to the reduction of deterioration of the aftertreatment catalyst.

However, the lower densities of GTL fuels can result in increased fuel consumption.

Since the total amount of GTL fuels will not drastically increase in the near future, the use as a blend fuel will be on of the likely short-term strategies to penetrate into the market. In that case, there is no need to consider the deterioration of the volumetric fuel consumption in exchange for the most low-emissions potential of the neat GTL fuels. However, if engines are optimized to adapt to the distinctive specifications of the neat GTL fuel, assuming its use in restricted (urban) areas, there could be a possibility to improve not only exhaust emissions, but also fuel consumption.

From their investigation of the combustion and emissions characteristics of the GTL fuels across the three platforms and the single-cylinder engine with optical access, the researchers found:

  • There were no apparent differences between all fuels, including the baseline diesel fuel, on NOx emissions and brake specific energy consumption. However, smoke and HC emissions were reduced by use of GTL. The lower T90 GTL fuel achieved lower smoke emissions, although HC emissions were increased with its use.

  • First appearance of luminous flame from the injected fuel sprays was temporary and spatially delayed with the GTL fuels, even though the ignition delay was shortened. This result showed that soot formation was suppressed with the GTL fuels, perhaps caused by the absence of PAH, according to the researchers. Soot oxidation phenomena did not differ much with each fuel. Since the diffusion of pilot injected fuel was narrower in the GTL fuel under the same injection parameters as the baseline diesel, it is necessary to modify the pilot injection parameters for the GTL fuels to suppress the deterioration of smoke emissions.

  • Toxic mono-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were drastically reduced with one of the GTL fuels compared to the baseline diesel.

For the optimization study, the team used GTL Fuel B—because of its lower PM and HC emissions under steady state and transient tests—and modified the 4L engine to achieve the simultaneous improvements in exhaust emissions and fuel consumption.

  • They reduced the compression ratio to 15.0:1 to improve the NOx and smoke emissions trade-off, especially in low- to medium-load condition, without any energy consumption penalties. The purpose of reducing the compression ratio was to maintain the longer ignition delay even with the high cetane number.

    Combustion chamber geometry was modified to obtain better air utilization for the pilot fuel. The bowl diameter was slightly enlarged to accommodate the longer penetration of fuel spray and the bowl center height was decreased to entrain more unburned gas into the main fuel spray.

  • By using the smoke tolerance of Fuel B for the low oxygen content, it was possible to reduce the amount of intake fresh air, and concurrently to increase the EGR ratio while maintaining smoke emission. It was therefore possible to apply a smaller turbocharger without the deterioration of fuel consumption.

    By applying the high EGR and the low air excess ratio concept, there are other advantages of reducing emissions and  fuel consumption simultaneously by control of the exhaust aftertreatment system. Since the exhaust gas temperature is increased by the reduction of air quantity, it is possible to maintain the activation of the catalyst even under continuous low load conditions like the JE05 transient mode, without using any control to increase temperature, like the delay of injection timing or the use of intake throttling. The lower oxygen content in the exhaust gas can reduce the quantity of fuel dosing to exhaust oxygen for the NOx regeneration with the DPNR aftertreatment system.

  • The achieved exhaust emissions and the specific energy consumption results with the JE05 Japanese transient test cycle satisfied the project goal, which was to halve the emission levels of current Japanese new-Long-Term Regulation (1.0 g/kWh of NOx, 0.0135 g/kWh of PM) while maintaining the same volumetric fuel consumption as the base diesel fuel engines.


  • Noboru Uchida, Hiroshi Hirabayashi, Ichiro Sakata, Koji Kitano, Hiroshi Yoshida, Nobuhiro Okabe (2008) Diesel Engine Emissions and Performance Optimization for Neat GTL Fuel (SAE 2008-01-1405)



This research seems to assume GTL will be The Next Big Thing as opposed to compressed natural gas or perhaps dimethyl ether. I wonder if they should compare well-to-tank emissions, life cycle energy use and dollar cost with these alternatives. Also I like to know how much GTL can replace current petrol and diesel.

Rafael Seidl

@ Aussie -

xTL (F-T liquids) are a better fit with the existing vehicle fleet than CNG or DME, both of which would require extensive modifications to the fuel system. Big oil pretends to care about environmental aspects but really only does when it also happens to be good for the bottom line.

With oil at $120 and climbing, all kinds of technologies previously considered too expensive are now being revisited. GTL is one of these. Malaysia, Qatar and many other nations have gas reserves they cannot easily bring to market. In the long run, the upstream portion of GTL will be replaced by biomass gasification, using cellulose and/or lignin as feedstock (BTL). The downstream portion is essentially the same for all xTL processes.

High-temperature F-T using iron catalysts yields synthetic gasoline but it is very wasteful in energy terms. Low-temperature F-T, the only type currently in production, is a little better and uses cobalt catalysts to yield a diesel substitute.

Petrochemical engineers believe gasification is the only alternative fuels technology that will deliver high economies of scale. They may yet be proven wrong, as the life sciences are advancing fast.


One way or another, synthetic fuels are next.

stas peterson

Many engineers including myself, have predicted that eventually the optimum ICE engine will use a very customized fuel.

Presently all fuels are really nothing more than a mixture of different hydrocarbons with approximately the same molecular weuight.

If you produced a monomer fuel composed of only one chemical hydrocarbon compound, you could optimize combustion to burn and obtain the most efficiency from that single hydrocarbon compound.

This is not surprising. The question is whether such fuels work for anything other than very specialized engines such as scramjets or exotic racing vehicles.

But if you are custom making a specific compound, than you could start with that fuel and optimize the combustion of that compound.

I wonder what the econoomics of converting and transporting GTL vs liquified natural gas are? Considering that right now liquid fuels are at a significant premium on a BTU basis over natural gas, it's possible that we may see a shift from construcing of liquified natural gas infrastructure to GTL infrastructure in countries with large natural gas reserves.


What about the underlying thermodynamics? Producing pure *whatever* means reducing fuel production efficiency and/or paying more to purify it.

The fact that existing fuels are a witches brew of several hundred (thousand?) compounds is helping to keep fuel costs low and production efficiencies high.

Besides, as this research shows, you can improve emissions quite substantially by just getting rid of some components in the fuel, such as PAHs and sulfur.

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