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Hythane-Diesel Mix Could Reduce Cost of Electricity Production in India

Results of a test project for the Indian electricity market show that a 400kW Cummins diesel generator can run on a mixture of Eden Energy’s Hythane (a hydrogen-CNG mix) and diesel fuel to reduce the cost of electricity production from 10.97 to 6.5 Rupees per kilowatt hour (US$0.26 to $0.15 per kWh). The savings result from a 78% reduction of diesel in the fuel mix.

In tests performed at Eden’s Hythane Company test facility in Colorado, US, a dual-fuel kit was developed to enable the generator to run on a combination of petroleum diesel and either natural gas or Hythane. The natural gas and diesel mixture also showed a significant cost decrease (US$0.26 to $0.21 per kWh). Savings were calculated using recent prices for natural gas and petroleum diesel in India.

Development work on the dual fuel generators is to be completed in the next two months. Pilot projects in India using the Hythane dual fuel kit will begin by October 2008. Eden Energy will supply both the dual fuel conversion kits and the Hythane production equipment to the Indian market, collaborating with generator manufacturers to reach their existing customers.



Um... So on-par with the cost of photovoltaic or wind, but with added the future price uncertainties of diesel AND natural gas. Sounds like a winner to me.

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