Acta Launches Catalyst for Ammonia Reforming
02 September 2008
Acta ammonia electrolysis. Click to enlarge. |
Anglo-Italian catalyst maker Acta recently introduced a new catalyst for the decomposition of ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen by reforming.
The HYPERMEC 10010 is a ruthenium-based catalyst which delivers ammonia conversion at 400°C. This catalyst is available in powder or pellet form. The current pre-commercial base metal catalyst HYPERMEC 10510 will offer ammonia conversion at a lower cost at slightly higher temperatures, and is expected to be available to customers by the end of 2008.
Acta’s catalyst synthesis by polymer templation. Click to enlarge. |
Acta uses a patented approach to producing its catalysts, involving a templating polymer that organizes the catalyst metals during application to the substrate. The polymer structure prevents agglomeration of the very small particle sizes used, resulting in a large active area. Any metal combination can be used in the process, according to Acta.
Acta is targeting its catalysts at a range of applications, including fuel cells, water and ammonia electrolysis, fuel reforming, and process catalysts.
In a 2005 paper in the Journal of Power Sources, Dr. Gerardine Botte, associate professor of Chemical and Bio-Molecular Engineering at the Russ College of Engineering and Technology at Ohio University and her colleagues laid out an argument for using ammonia electrolysis for hydrogen production. (Earlier post.)They subsequently licensed their catalytic ammonia electrolyzer technology to American Hydrogen Corporation for commercialization.
In many ways, ammonia is an excellent hydrogen carrier; liquid ammonia represents a convenient way of storing supplies of hydrogen, boasting a specific energy density(kWhL-1) 50%higher than liquefied hydrogen. Ammonia is also easily condensed at ambient temperature (under 8 bar of pressure), which makes it a good choice for transportation and storage. Even though ammonia is flammable within defined limits (16.25% by volume in the air) and toxic (above 25 ppm), its presence can be detected by its characteristic odor (above 5 ppm). Ammonia is produced worldwide in large quantities (more than 100 million ton year-1), which allows the effect of economy of scale on the cost of production. Its decomposition by electrooxidation in alkaline media at low overpotentials is NOx and COx free with nitrogen and water as products of reaction.
—Vitse et al. (2005)
Ammonia electrolysis couples the ammonia electro-oxidation reaction with the hydrogen evolution reaction for the production of high-purity hydrogen in an alkaline electrolytic cell. The reactions are as follows:
2NH3(aq) + 6OH-→N2(g) + 6H2O + 6e- (1)
6H2O + 6e-→3H2(g) + 6OH- (2)
The overall reaction is:
2NH3(aq)→N2(g) + 3H2(g) (3)
An ammonia cylinder at 10 bar contains more hydrogen per kg or per liter than any current hydrogen storage system—hydrogen stored in a 700 bar compressed gas cylinder, in a liquid hydrogen tank, or in a metal hydride tank.
The results of [our] study indicate that the production of hydrogen by the electrolysis of ammonia is a promising technology as the thermodynamics is in favor of the reaction; however, the commercialization of the technology depends on the development of effective electrodes for the electro-oxidation of ammonia. Therefore, future work on this area should be focus on the development of electrodes to decrease the overpotential of this reaction.
—Vitse et al. (2005)
Acta said that it has a number of customers now sampling its ammonia reforming technology and sees growing interest in the use of ammonia as a fuel.
Frédéric Vitse, Matt Cooper, Gerardine G. Botte (2005) On the use of ammonia electrolysis for hydrogen production, Journal of Power Sources 142 (2005) 18–26 doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.07.004
Acta and HYPERMEC: A Breakthrough Catalyst Technology (2006)
The main source of ammonia is natural gas, and there is loss of energy when ammonia is made from natural gas and CO2 release. There is a further loss of energy when hydrogen is freed from ammonia. The economics of hydrogen fuels are very bad. This is compounded by the very high purchase price of fuel cells.
Direct electric operation of automobiles is cheaper than fuel cells with any tested battery system for most automobile trips now taken. Longer trips are handled well if the car is a plug in hybrid. Hybrid operation alone can reduce oil use to as low as half, and electric operation can almost eliminate oil use. A far less costly to produce and much more convenient fuel to use is methanol.
A system to capture carbon dioxide in an automobile can be built at far less cost than a fuel cell. But the least costly alternative remains electric operation for short trips and fuel operation for long trips. The eventual answer, and even now very feasable answer is to electrify roadways. ..HG..
Posted by: Henry Gibson | 02 September 2008 at 05:55 AM
Total bullshit : the input of energy to make the ammonia from H2 would definitively ruin the well to wheel efficiency that is already terrible for H2. Even it simplifies the distribution and storage of H2 I don't think it can make it, plus Nh3 is a suffocating gas, so easy to detect but bad for your lungs.
Posted by: Treehugger | 02 September 2008 at 07:34 PM
It seems to be if they replaced the hydrogen evolution reaction with an air cathode, they could make an ammonia/air fuel cell. They'd have to scrub CO2 from the air, I grant you.
Posted by: Paul F. Dietz | 04 September 2008 at 12:46 PM