New Process Combines Ionic Liquids and Solid Catalysts for Mild Pre-Treatment of Biomass
Enable IPC Acquires Ultracapacitor Company

LightEVs Signs with EESTOR for Two-and Three-Wheeled EV Markets

Light Electric Vehicles Company (LightEVs) signed a world-wide exclusive technology agreement with EEStor, Inc to provide electric vehicles and propulsion systems using EEStor’s Electric Energy Storage Units (EESUs) (earlier post) for the two- and three-wheeled vehicles markets.

The EEStor EESU—a high-power-density multi-layered barium titanate ceramic ultracapacitor—is expected to provide energy densities of more than 450 Wh/kg and more than 700 Wh/L; charge in minutes; and have extremely long life. They are expected to deliver high current without loss of efficiency or excess heat, and they should operate at optimum efficiency over a wide range of ambient temperatures. They are to be configurable for any output voltage that optimizes vehicle performance, and to maintain that output voltage at a constant level over the span of each discharge cycle. Production is now expected to start mid-2009.

LightEVs expects to offer a variety of electric propulsion systems for use in electric bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, and three-wheeled vehicles in partnership with existing manufacturers and under its own brands.

We are planning an electric bicycle that will have a one kilowatt-hour EESU weighing less than five pounds which should provide approximately 100 miles or more of range, and we are considering a three-wheel two-passenger electric vehicle which could offer EESU options permitting ranges from about 120 miles to over 500 miles on a single charge, and a top speed of over 85 mph.

—John Stephens, Executive Vice President, LightEVs

In January, Lockheed Martin signed an exclusive international rights agreement to integrate and market Electrical Energy Storage Units (EESU) from EEStor, Inc., for military and homeland security applications. (Earlier post.)

In 2007, Canadian electric automaker ZENN Motor Company took an initial 3.8% equity position in EESTOR. Under its technology agreement with EESTOR, ZENN holds certain worldwide exclusive licenses for EEStor’s storage units for new small and medium-sized low-speed and highway-capable vehicles (up to 1,400 kg curb weight). ZENN also holds worldwide exclusive rights for EEStor units for the conversion of any used internal combustion passenger vehicle to electric drive.



If the ESStor ESSU's, with an energy density of 450+ Wh/Kg materialize and is mass produced at an affordable price, it will replace most light ICE vehicles, HEVs and PHEVs within 10 to 20 years.

If it can be built, this is an area where the Federal government should invest massively to accellerate mass production and lower cost.

Another $25B would be justified.

But isn't that corporate welfare? Or capital socialism? The way I see it you only give government money to the businesses you like. I don't like car makers so they don't deserve money.

a skeptic

Lightev? Who the heck are they? Production now moved back to mid-2009. More delays. This is vaporware.

what the?

what is your source for this information? i'm not so sure this looks like a real press release.

John Taylor

The EEStor device is not yet in operation. It may some day become a product but so far has nothing to show.

My suggestion to both Zenn and LightEVs is to develop vehicles using alternative off the shelf electrical storage systems that will be viable and useful to consumers.
These can and should be made such that upgrading to the EEStor device will be an easy and practical upgrade at such time as the EEStor device is in production.

Healthy Breeze

@J Taylor,

How do you suggest manufacturers make a vehicle that can swap in eesus later? Should they use currently available capacitors that have 1/100th the range? Should they use currently available batteries that have a tiny fraction of the power density, and would fry at 3,500 volts? This is so radical a performance claim that the new vehicles have to be built around it.


If the EESTOR EESU is real, why are they messing around with small potatoes? Every major auto manufacturer should be bidding for the rights to use these in an electric car.


HB: the EESU would use a buck/boost to bring the number of Volts down to a manageable amount. Given the delays getting this into production (if it's even possible) I think John is right.

John T

All I can say is: SUCKERS!!!!!!!

ROFLMAO!!! If they have a technology that could even REMOTELY do what they say it can do, it's worth BILLIONS upon BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!

If you had a battery/capacitor/loaf of bread/ANYTHING that could do all they claim, and was clearly worth BILLIONS of DOLLARS, would you sell off world wide rights for a couple million dollars to some little company for major markets like this? Pretend for a second that you're EESTOR. Would you do that? OF COURSE NOT.

These guys are just looking for somebody else to keep dumping enough money in them to keep the doors open while they hope for a miracle. They probably mean well, but all they have is little pile of powder that is really pure. SO????? Make even a single capacitor out of it guys. I dare you. What? Where is it? ROFL


I'm not criticizing them for their goals. They probably mean very well. But why are they acting like PT BARNUM??? Can't they just produce a product like everyone else and then go to market?


There are at least 101 ways to invest in the country's economic and industrial future.

Public support for education and university research is necessary and well accepted.

Public support to mass produce new (environment friendly) products at a competitive and affordable price is the next neccessary step.

Instead of free grants, public autorities could make low interest loans or buy equities in support of developing and manufacturing new products. The exercise could be revenue neutral and even directly and/or indirectly profitable in the mid to long term.


@ John T:

I can see where you're coming from. But remember, EEStor is getting venture capital from Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers, a major, major silicon valley venture capital firm. They also have agreements / contracts with Lockheed Martin and Zenn Motorcars, even though they have no product to demonstrate to the general public yet. Also, they have already patented their technology and are most likely getting advice from attorneys on what else to patent & protect.

Who knows why things are taking so long for them to get up and running. Maybe they're waiting for the election for some reason. Maybe they want to run every test imaginable on their product so they can license the manufacturing technology to other companies for big $$$. Maybe it's a complete hoax....guess we'll find out eventually.


I was open 2 years ago, but I came to the conclusion that this story is the scam of the century. The fact that they are backed by a respectable VC doesn't prove anything or yes it proves that they are good at selling themselves. When you read interviews of the CEO of Zenn Motor car that they haven't tested anything yet, that they will only test it when it will be ready to go to production you realize that these guys are fooling themselves, how can you go from nothing to production without testing pre-alpha, alpha,beta samples.

I don't don't what Zenn Motor have in mind but I think they are just in love with the idea of this ultracap and they have lost their common sense, I can't explain it otherwise


I want to believe that EEStor are legit. I really do. But this is now the second "worldwide exclusive" deal they've done with a tiny company that offers little or no added value to their supply chain. Why would a company with a such a game changing product give up that margin?

Kleiner Perkins described EEStor as a "moonshot". Doesn't look like they're gonna get off the launch pad.

Jeff R

Just an alternative possibility to throw in to the guessing game--that EEStor is trying to do something theoretically possible but very difficult; they are being very painstaking and methodical in their approach; they have had setbacks and hence delays, but no show-stoppers, so they continue on; they need money to continue, so they do these disappointing deals relative to the possibilities, because until they have a real working prototype, that's the best they can get.

I'm not sure this works, because I still think GM or someone might pay them a few million for the rights to be part such a moonshot. Maybe they asked GM and were rebuffed.

But none of this indicates a scam, necessarily. Could be just a long hard path at the edges of materials science. The reason they are so "mysterious" about it might be that they are trying to be responsible by not overhyping it. But we curious onlookers can't stand the silence.



Precisely a lot of sensible persons in the field question the physics of what they claim, and everybody who looked at their patent can't get the power density they claim using simple calculation. Even if the all thing is theoritically possible and they face difficulties, it is a scam to claim that you can do something when you don't have enough evidence that you can do it. But I think you are right when you say that these multiple deals they keep signing around is just to attract money and keep selling illusion.

Recently one manager who left the company said that i seriously doubt that they will deliver what they claim, and how could they ? what material can support 1KV through 50 microns ?


"Recently one manager who left the company said that i seriously doubt that they will deliver what they claim, and how could they ? what material can support 1KV through 50 microns ?"

Treehugger could you cite a source for this?


Weren't we all saying the same thing about Altairnano's claims a couple of years back??

Now here we are with production packs at 5 kW/kg, 90 Wh/kg, 5 minute recharge, thousands of cycles longevity etc etc.

Is Altair the real EESTOR!?



Sorry sir, but the claim of Altairno nowhere close to the claim of EESTOR in term of "extravagant"



The problem with central planning is that Congressmen are not economists or engineers. They do not have the understanding or the processing capability to determine an efficient economic solution. That's why free markets work. IF this ultracapacitor ends up being the real deal... GM, GE, Shell, Exxon, BP, or any number of companies with Billions of dollars in cash will buy this company and mass produce this product. The government can affect markets, but their decisions lack any sort of Pareto efficiency in the market.

If this product is everything it claims to be, you will see it in the market. As long as companies remain profit motivated, the best solution will occur.


To all,

One thing I notice in this article is that EEStor hasn't sold exclusive worldwide rights for new high speed passenger vehicles. That is where the dollar sign with a big number and a 'B' will come in. Maybe they're waiting to prove their product before cashing in?



Leaving everything to the market place has its drawbacks. Sooner or latter it becomes closer to a Monopoly Game and we will have 1929 and 3-miles Island all over again.

Certain things have to be regulated (to avoid super-speculation and financial crisis like we have now) and others have to be selectively promoted for the good of the nation and the people.


1) Accellerated electrification of most transportation vehicles and HVAC to reduce oil consumption and GHG.

2) Affordable local advanced batteries and e-vehicle mass production to maintain home jobs and reduce the trade deficit.

3) Local clean electric energy production and distribution to support 1) and 2) above, reduce GHG and trade deficit.

The proper mix of free market and essential government regualtions and interferences may be more sustainable.

HAHAHAHA! Wow, I wonder what companies some of you work for? So let me get this straight: You want a product from a third party supplier and you are willing to (and even demanding) to serve as the test R&D facility from your 3rd party supplier? HECK NO! The real world does not work that way. We have had companies send us prototypes and we give input on aesthetics but tell them all the same thing: Give us the final product and then we will run tests on it to see if it meets our needs. If we were to test beta/alpha/someothergreekletter version we would have to charge them for the time of our Engineers in conducting R&D for them. We want a finished product to do final performance testing with our product and I would imagine most manufacturers operate the same way.


As far as the public/private debate, the government has usually done what ever the private sector has not wanted to do, but needs to be done. VA/FHA/SBA, student loans, Medicare....banks and insurance companies in the private sector will not touch them, but they need to be done. VA helps provide affordable housing for veterans and their families, SBA provides backed loans for business, Medicare provides health care for older people that private insurance companies would never insure... and on and on.


The message above is BS, that might be true for well established technologies but absolutely not for enterely new technology. I am in R&D and spend my life shipping pre-alpha, alpha, betta samples to customers for whom we developp products. Believe me potential users are very interested in testing early prototypes before pouring money in your product or start big development. The attitude of Zenn Motor car is just not serious. GM for the Volt has tested tons of batteries from different suppliers before selecting one, and prototypes that were not the final products, because it was a new type of product.



I don't think that our government has done anything to prove they are more socially responsible than corporations. Non-elected government beaurocrats don't have shareholders to answer to. I don't mean to sound crazy, but aren't there a lot of shady things the federal government has done that it has covered up?

Many corporations care much more now about their image, due to the nature of the speed of information. Just look how companies like GE, GM, and BP are investing in 'green' technologies.

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