California ARB Posts Draft Regulation for Low Carbon Fuel Standard
11 October 2008
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Proposed compliance schedule for gasoline and diesel fuels and substitutes. Click to enlarge. |
The staff of the California Air Resources Board has posted the Draft Regulation for the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) which contains the latest staff proposals on the regulatory approach following the March 2008 concept outline. (Earlier post.) ARB is seeking comments on this document, which will be discussed during the LCFS workshop on 16 October 2008, in Sacramento, California.
The draft LCFS maps out a 10.5% reduction in carbon intensity for gasoline or fuels used to substitute for gasoline from 2010 to 2020 (from 96.7 gCO2e/MJ to 86.5 gCO2e/MJ) and a 10% reduction in the carbon intensity of diesel or diesel substitutes (from 95.8 gCO2e/MJ to 86.2 gCO2e/MJ).
Executive Order S-1-07, the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) (issued 18 January 2007), calls for a reduction of at least 10% in the carbon intensity of California’s transportation fuels by 2020. (Earlier post.)
The compliance schedule is still under review and may be adjusted. The standards for gasoline and diesel fuel beyond 2020 will require additional reductions to reflect the need to achieve the AB32 GHG emissions reduction goals in 2050.
The LCFS applies to all fuels (with the exception of alternative fuels—other than biofuels—provided by an exempted regulated party for transportation use at an aggregated volume of less than 420 million MJ (3.6 million gasoline gallon equivalent) per year):
- California reformulated gasoline (CARFG)
- California ultra low sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD)
- Compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
- Electricity
- Compressed or liquefied hydrogen
- A fuel blend containing ethanol
- A fuel blend containing biomass-based diesel
- Pure denatured ethanol (E100)
- Pure biomass-based diesel (B100)
- Any other liquid or non-liquid fuel.
For the purpose of compliance with the LCFS, the regulated parties are generally the producers or importers. For electricity, the parties are the utilities. For hydrogen delivered to a refueling station, the party is the producer. For on-site hydrogen production, the party is the refueling station owner.
ARB is offering a choice of two methods for determining a fuel’s carbon intensity value:
ARB Lookup Table. This method uses the California-modified GREET model, which is available for downloading on ARB’s internet site.
Customized Lookup Table Values (Modified ARB Method). This method uses the first method modified with one or more inputs proposed for customization by the regulated party (proponent) as approved by ARB.
For a proposed Method 2 to be approved by the Executive Officer, the proponent must demonstrate that the method is both scientifically defensible and meets the substantiality requirement.
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Checklist of reporting requirements for LCFS fuels. Click to enlarge. |
ARB said that additional supporting materials for the LCFS Regulation are under development and will be available this coming week (the week of the workshop).
The California Low Carbon Fuel Standard Discussion Draft (October 2008)
ARB LCFS Program website
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Posted by: Darby | 11 October 2008 at 02:53 PM
When will the CARBon people realize that California is BROKE BROKE BROKE. Don't eliminate high carbon fuel; the laws of economics and physics prevents it. Just put high taxes on any fuels. The lowest carbon fuel now widely available is uranium, and the next lowest is natural gas. Even hydrogen, on the average, takes more carbon to produce the same amount of energy.
It is probably unconstitutional to limit the import of any fuels on the basis of their carbon content. Carbon is clearly not a concentrated poison; people ingest it each day.
The CARBon people should just limit the population of California. No people without a secure CARBon identity book can be allowed to live or work there.
The CARBon people lost any credibility when they did not stick with the ZEV while a job with fuel cell companies was in the offering. CARBon people know that they could reduce California CO2 releases by limiting the weight of cars that people drive.
CARBon people know that Nuclear power is the cheapest and fastest way to reduce CO2 releases in California, but they don't mandate the constuction of nuclear power plants by the state if necessary. The CARBon people could also mandate a tunnel complex somewhere in California to store the used nuclear fuel rods and mandate that any unlawful opposition to it was illegal.
California is the third largest state and there is plenty of room to find a place to store used fuel rods that is statistically safer than traveling on commuter railways. Three Mile Island did not kill a single person with radioactivity. Chernobyl killed only about fifty but only because fire fighters exposed themselves unnecesarily hours or days after the steam exposion. Bhopal killed more than three thousand in the first several days.
If all the 20,000 square feet home owners of California were assigned to have a concrete container of one spent fuel rod array burried a hundred feet below their house house it would more than take care of the very small, safe enough used fuel containment issue. ..HG..
There is, almost, no used fuel compared even to ash from power plants, arrays of fuel rods would be safe enough if placed in ordinary landfills. We did not protect people who met their demise from high corn prices in the US this year, why spend money to protect people 100,000 years from now. ..HG..
Posted by: Henry Gibson | 11 October 2008 at 03:48 PM
@ Henry Gibson -
"The CARBon people could also mandate a tunnel complex somewhere in California to store the used nuclear fuel rods and mandate that any unlawful opposition to it was illegal."
I hope you realize that you are proposing to throw the 1st amendment out of the window, a.k.a. the establishment of a totalitarian state. If that's what it takes to build a new generation of nuclear power plants, I'll pass.
Posted by: | 12 October 2008 at 04:38 AM
You forget solar, which works in So CA, No CA also uses solar and can use wind too. If we had storage systems for this type of system, we could bridge the rain, snow and fog periods, that is if we get rain.
I'd like to power my car as cleanly as my house.
Posted by: ACAGal | 12 October 2008 at 05:09 PM
(The Car Shippers) is a Veteran owned company with over twenty years experience, shipping all types of cars to destinations nationally and worldwide. To ship your car contact this auto transport company at 866-429-9677.
Posted by: Roy Holcombe | 16 October 2008 at 06:58 AM
(The Car Shippers) is a Veteran owned company with over twenty years experience, shipping all types of cars to destinations nationally and worldwide. To ship your car contact this car shipping company at 866-429-9677.
Posted by: RSH | 16 October 2008 at 07:25 AM
Henry says: "When will the CARBon people realize that California is BROKE BROKE BROKE."
The STATE of California may be broke, but the PEOPLE of California have more than a few pennies to rub together. Please don't confuse the two.
Posted by: Floatplane | 16 October 2008 at 03:38 PM
The Car Shippers is a Veteran owned company with over twenty years experience, shipping all types of cars to destinations nationally and worldwide. To ship your car contact this auto transport company at 866-429-9677, or visit their site at
Posted by: Roy Holcombe | 08 November 2008 at 01:59 PM
Please read the following column:
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Posted by: Joseph McKinney | 11 November 2008 at 03:48 PM