China Government White Paper Highlights Difficulties in Tackling Greenhouse Gas Emissions
29 October 2008
Reuters. A new white paper released by the China government highlights the country’s difficulties in curbing greenhouse gas emissions soon, while still warning of a significant economic blow from global warming.
China faces shrinking crops, worsening droughts in some regions, worsening floods in others, and melting glaciers as average global temperatures rise, the report warns. But it says China will nonetheless increase emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas from burning fossil fuels, as it seeks to leap into prosperity and lift tens of millions out of poverty.
“China will strive for rational growth of energy demand,” it states. “However, its coal-dominated energy mix cannot be substantially changed in the near future, thus making the control of greenhouse gases rather difficult.”
At the news conference releasing the white paper, Xie Zhenhua, a deputy chief of China’s National Development and Reform Commission who steers climate change policy, said that China’s greenhouse gas emissions are now about the same as those of the US.
So i get it its OK for China to pollute, and how they are, there the #1 in the world, but we have to cut our lifestyles to 3rd world standards bowing at the altar of the climate gods.Dont give me the per capita boo boo, if the planet is really in danger than total emmissions is what matters not per capita since there number #1 they need to be controlled and FORCED to comply with lowering CO2.On that note if the per capita argument is going to be made it should be indexed to GDP how much do you produce with the amount of energy you use? The USA has the lowest CO2 production per unit of CO2 in the world making us the most efficent producers of products for the energy imputs.
Posted by: | 29 October 2008 at 11:41 AM
"The USA has the lowest CO2 production per unit of CO2 in the world making us the most efficent producers of products for the energy imputs."
Huh i think you ment The USA has the lowest CO2 production per unit of GDP and yes thats true the USA produces more wealth and real products per unit of energy than anyone else in the world. since 1975 the USA has reduced its consumption and added almost 150 million americans
the facts are here
Posted by: JD | 29 October 2008 at 12:11 PM
"But it says China will nonetheless increase emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas from burning fossil fuels, as it seeks to leap into prosperity and lift tens of millions out of poverty."
The only problem I've got with this is that China has over a billion people. They need to be lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty.
Posted by: David | 29 October 2008 at 01:45 PM
Not every country can achieve the low CO2 per GDP capita.
China as we know exports substantial CO2 in market consumer goods although this is neither essential or majority.
It is disingenuous to suggest that the free market (in this instance ) is less efficient in energy use.
Some countries have a high GDP courtesy of financial or I.P. services or oil sales.
This is another apples and oranges holier than though furphy.
Posted by: arnold | 29 October 2008 at 03:46 PM
Since the US and other developed countries are consumers of a huge proportion of the CO2-intensively produced goods which come from China, doesn't that mean that they, by extension, are responsible for a substantial percentage of China's CO2 emissions? If all of those low-cost, low-value goods we currently import from China were made here in the US (or Germany, UK, etc.), they would probably be made more efficiently, but I'll bet our CO2 per GDP would go up quite a bit.
Posted by: wesmontage | 31 October 2008 at 06:23 AM