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German Government Lowers 2009 Biofuels Blend Target

The German government has reduced the biofuel blend target for 2009 to 5.25%, down from its initial 6.25%, according to the Environment Ministry (BMU, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit).

The 2010 target will be back up to 6.25% and remain fixed at that level until 2014. The quotas will be reviewed in 2011, with a particular focus on the sustainability of biofuels, the BMU said.

The government is now also allowing biomethane to be included under the quote, if its production process yields a favorable environmental balance.

Germany is also reducing the planned tax increase on biodiesel by €0.03, to €0.18 per liter, instead of €0.21 per liter, beginning in January 2009.


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