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Electrovaya Signs MOUs with Three Companies in China for EVs and Manufacturing

Lithium-ion battery maker Electrovaya has signed three MOUs with China-based firms in the areas of electric cars, trucks and manufacturing equipment.

Electrovaya signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Chana International Corp. (ChangAn) for zero-emission electric vehicles. Chana is a leading OEM and has joint ventures with Ford, Mazda and Suzuki. As part of this MOU, Electrovaya intends to roll out 30 electric cars over the next few quarters.

ChangAn currently has the production capacity for 1 million vehicles and engines per year. By 2010, the company plans to have the production capacity for 2 million vehicles.

Electrovaya has also entered into a second MOU with GuangZhou Lange Electric Equipment Co., a specialty equipment manufacturer, for battery equipment. The MOU relates to setting up a Joint Venture to supply high quality manufacturing equipment to Electrovaya’s battery licensees.

Electrovaya entered into a third MOU with Shandong Shifeng Group Co. Ltd. for zero-emission electric vehicles for the North American and global specialty truck market. Shandong Shifeng is a specialized manufacturer of light trucks.

In October, Electrovaya annonced it was partnering with Tata Motors and Miljø Grenland/Innovasjon to manufacture batteries and electric cars in Norway, beginning in 2009, using Electrovaya’s Lithium Ion SuperPolymer battery technology. The first vehicle to be produced will be the Indica EV, based on Tata’s Indica, due to launch in Europe in 2009. (Earlier post.)



This could represent major steps forward for massive production of the excellent (high energy)Electrovaya batteries at an affordable price.

Coupled with appopriate super-cap to capture more braking energy, deliver more peak instant power and extend battery's life, it could supply all the energy required for future PHEVs and BEVs.

Very interesting possibilities.


Slave labor is the coolest! Go China!!!



Many (environmentally inclined people) will buy affordable PHEV-100+ KM and BEVs regarless of where they are built.

Wouldn't be surprised that your LCD TVs, cellphones, printers, PCs, A/C units etc are partial or totally built in China or in other Asian countries.

North America will have to find ways to compete in the new post-oil economy. I have no doubt that we will.


@ MrEnvironment

If you are waiting for bloated, overpaid, cranky, lazy, inept North American auto-labor to jump on the EV bandwagon actually do something - you would be waiting a long time.

Henry Gibson

Most companies that made vacuum tube radios did not continue in businees to make transister radios. The EV1 was only made to be ready if California's regulations had to be obeyed. Hydraulic hybrid cars are cheaper to introduce and operate than electric. A battery for short distance electric operation is easily added. Lead has been good enough for decades. Lithium is too expensive. ..HG..

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