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AMAA 2009 Focuses on “Smart Systems for Safety, Sustainability and Comfort”

The 13th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA) will be held in Berlin, Germany 5-6 May 2009, with the theme “Smart Systems for Safety, Sustainability and Comfort”. The two-day scientific and technical conference this year is placing a major focus on microsystems and ICT technologies enabling the “Green Car”, particularly the electric vehicle.

In the search for sustainable mobility solutions, car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication, driver assistance systems, novel power trains and human-machine interfacing will strongly gain in importance, the organizers note.

Topics to be addressed in the conference include:

  • Road and Passenger Safety
  • Driver Assistance
  • Power Train Efficiency
  • Hybrid and All-Electric Traction
  • Traffic Management

Papers from AMAA will be published as a Springer conference book: Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2009. Highlights include contributions on the scope of two European projects related to the Green Car: EE-VERT, aiming at the development of energy-efficient vehicles for road transport, and E3Car, doing research on nanoelectronics as a key enabler of electrical vehicles.

Furthermore, several authors are reporting first results of the INTERSAFE-2 project that is dealing with cooperative intersection safety. Likewise prominent topics are a detector for left-behind occupants, novel driver assistance systems and several other highly integrated components for various applications in the automobile.

Program and registration details are available on the AMAA website.



One would think they'd include navigation as a "smart" system.


Topic number 2 Driver Assistance in the list above covers a lot of territory including GPS navigation.

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