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FuelMaker Enters Receivership; Operations Cease

FuelMaker Corp., owned by American Honda and maker of the Phill CNG home refueling device (earlier post), entered receivership on 2 April and ceased operations on 3 April. As late as this January, Honda was citing its work with the Civic GX natural gas vehicle and FuelMaker as one example of “Environmentally Responsible Mobility”.

American Honda has yet to comment on the bankruptcy or any implications of that for its plans for natural gas vehicles in the US.

Last year, Clean Energy Fuels Corp. was in negotiations with American Honda for the acquisition of FuelMaker Corporation. (Earlier post.) In October, Honda and Clean Energy mutually agreed to terminate the purchase agreement in accordance with its terms.



Pickens bought a chuck of Fuel Maker to help with his natural gas promotions. Between tar sands, $2 gasoline and this, he can not catch a break. I hope someone makes home CNG fueling stations. It is a great idea.


Were the Phills sold or leased?
Did Honda take them back and crush them?
Who killed the CNG car?


"With 14,000 Fuel Maker compressors in use, this sudden development jeopardizes an extensive global customer base. In Canada, an estimated 500 vehicle refueling appliances supply fuel for forklifts, ice resurfacing, and light duty vehicles."


I own an in home Fuelmaker fueling station for my 2007 Honda Civic NGV. About a month ago my Phill station broke down and Fuelmaker sent out a new unit which was promptly installed. Fuelmaker went bankrupt the same week the unit was installed. Yesterday my new Phill station stopped working. First I called the Honda Dealership here in Santa Rosa, CA and found it interesting to learn that they "had not heard" of the company going out of business (they are still selling the vehicles as if the station is still a refueling option!). When I told them that Fuelmaker had gone into receivership they said they would take my information and call me back (yet to hear back). I also called Honda Corporate Customer Service Line. They told me that there is no solution for the problem. Honda pulled financing from Fuelmaker which caused it to go into receivership. They did so without a plan to help the thousands of customers who rely on these stations to refuel their vehicles. What does that say about the company and their committment to Green?

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