Navistar First Truck and Bus Maker to Receive Hybrid Certification from California Air Resources Board
28 April 2009
Navistar became the first truck and bus manufacturer to receive total hybrid vehicle certification from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for improving fuel economy and overall emissions.
On 24 April, the CARB voted to implement a $25 million voucher incentive program as part of California Assembly Bill (AB) 118 to accelerate the deployment of about 1,000 medium- and heavy-duty diesel hybrid trucks and buses in California. Purchasers of commercial hybrid vehicles under this program will receive incentives ranging from $10,000 to $35,000 per vehicle depending on weight class.
In addition, purchasers of CARB-certified International DuraStar Hybrid models earlier post) and IC Bus hybrid buses will receive vouchers worth another $5,000 per vehicle under the incentive.
In addition to commercial hybrid trucks, Navistar manufactures hybrid school buses (earlier post). In August 2007, Navistar’s IC Bus subsidiary delivered the first hybrid diesel school bus to the Napa Valley Unified School District in California. While most diesel-only powered school buses achieve an average of six to seven miles per gallon, the fuel efficiency of the IC Bus plug-in hybrid electric school bus nearly doubled the average to 13 miles per gallon.
"..1,000 medium- and heavy-duty diesel hybrid trucks and buses.."
Long haul trucks can run over 120,000 miles per year and burn over 30,000 gallons of fuel. Even if you only get the mileage from 4 to 5 mpg, it would help.
Posted by: SJC | 28 April 2009 at 12:26 PM