Quallion Applies for Recovery Act Funding for $220M Li-ion Plant in California
19 May 2009
Quallion LLC, a developer of customized lithium ion batteries for medical, military, aerospace, and vehicle applications, has submitted a proposal to the US Department of Energy (DOE) for a grant under the Recovery Act–Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative.
The company hopes to build a new $220M lithium ion battery manufacturing facility in Southern California. The initial focus for Quallion’s new facility will be the production of zero emission advanced lithium ion batteries designed to replace engine idling as a power source for stationary trucks.
Quallion’s current cell designs range from the world's smallest conventional lithium ion cell (a cylindrical 1.8 mAh cell) for medical implants to large 15 and 72 Ah prismatic cells. Quallion also has experience with the commercialization of its module type battery configurations using its proprietary Matrix technology that will allow for scalable battery designs that can be quickly and cost-effectively reconfigured for use in a variety of vehicles from heavy duty trucks to passenger cars.
The DOE funding will allow Quallion to build on its proven experience manufacturing large format lithium ion batteries for military vehicles and leverage the benefits of mass production by setting up a right-sized production facility, which will allow it to implement many of its proprietary technologies.