Former Chevron CTO Joins LiveFuels Scientific Advisory Board
30 July 2009
Dr. Don Paul, who retired from Chevron as vice president and chief technology officer and currently directs the Energy Institute at the University of Southern California (USC), has joined algae biofuels company LiveFuels, Inc.’ scientific advisory board.
We know today that biofuel technology can create renewable materials which integrate into the petroleum processing system to produce transport fuels; what we need are business models for producing them sustainably and at the much larger scale needed to materially diversify our long-term liquid supply. LiveFuels may be the only startup company that has thought about algal biofuel production from start-to-finish in the context of the existing fuel infrastructure.
—Dr. Paul
As CTO of Chevron, Dr. Paul led the global energy company’s multiple research and technology subsidiaries, focusing on industrialization of technologies ranging from exploration and processing solutions to competitive biofuel systems. Dr. Paul oversaw Chevron’s efforts to build partnerships with US government agencies and national laboratories in energy research and development, as well as alternative fuel infrastructure, high-performance computing, and cyber-security.
Along with his duties at Chevron, Dr. Paul put together the challenging 2007 and 2008 “Supply” sections of the National Petroleum Council’s publication Hard Truths: Facing the Hard Truths about Energy. One of the essential findings of that report was the world’s supply system must significantly expand the production of liquids from “unconventional” sources, including biologically-derived feedstock.
LiveFuels was founded in 2006 to develop an efficient and scalable algae-based biofuel process. After a year of strategic planning with DOE national labs, LiveFuels began pilot operations across the US.
I suspect that Chevron will do to algae biofuels what they did to NiMH batteries.
Posted by: dursun | 30 July 2009 at 12:35 PM
1. How great are NiMH batteries really?
2. I don't doubt that Chevron would cheerfully sabotage a competing technology by trying to tie up patents. However, Algal oil is really the same product from a different hole in the ground, so they may see this as just a way to expand sources. Dunno.
Posted by: HealthyBreeze | 30 July 2009 at 02:43 PM
NiMH were great the last 10 years and we could have had millions of PHEVs using them over that time, but we will never know now.
What are the costs of getting behind the curve and not having millions of cars getting 100 mpg? What are the costs of scrapping the PNGV program and renaming it Freedom car with H2 30 years from now? We may never know, it is trying to prove something that never came to pass.
Posted by: SJC | 30 July 2009 at 05:34 PM
I just took delivery and installed 20 D cell NiMH batteries in a pack for my electric mountain bike. I try them out tomorrow...NiMH rides again!
Posted by: SJC | 01 August 2009 at 10:27 PM