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RadMax Axial Vane Rotary Diesel Engine Drawings Released for Bid

Rad Max assembly. Source: REGI US. Click to enlarge.

REGI US, Inc. and Reg Technologies Inc. have completed a final set of manufacturing drawings for the RadMax Diesel Engine, and have released them competitive bid.

The companies are developing an improved axial vane type rotary engine known as the RadMax. The RadMax design was mainly developed by Radian Milparts and assigned to REGI US, Inc. in December 2005. (Earlier post.) The RadMax engine has only two unique moving parts, the vanes (up to 12) and the rotor; the design makes it possible to produce up to 24 continuous power impulses per one rotation that is vibration-free and extremely quiet.

The engine comprises a disc-shaped rotor and driveshaft which turn the housing, or stator, which remains stationary. Up to 12 vanes mounted parallel to the shaft slide up and down along the outside of the rotor as they follow a track along the inside of the stator housing. Combustion chambers form between the rotor, stator walls and vanes, and their volumes change as the vanes move during rotation.

The engine has a compression ratio of 20:1, which lets it burn a variety of fuels, including diesel. REGI US, Inc. and its parent company, Reg Technologies Inc., have built and tested a RadMax pump application for demonstration purposes (earlier post) and are currently designing and testing the RadMax diesel for a Fortune 1000 Company intended for aviation, automotive, industrial processes and military applications.

The drawing baseline incorporates the following features:

  • The new improved RadMax Diesel Engine design has incorporated solutions for vane actuation, cooling, and lubrication. The new vane actuator assembly reduces weight and friction, and the vane actuator design does not require any return springs. The Cam incorporates a water-cooling system, and the seal lubrication design has been completed. All designs have been incrementally reviewed by the REGI US, Inc. and the Fortune 1000 company engineers.

  • Extensive computer modeling with COSMOS has produced a lower-weight, higher-strength design. The modeling has lead to an implementation that significantly reduces centripetal forces between the vanes and the seals.

With this approved design, the test program will start shortly after receipt of the RadMax parts and assemblies. The tests will initially validate seal performance, vane actuation, pressurization, and lubrication. A series of tests will verify other technology areas, already proven by extensive analysis.

Fabrication of the new diesel engine parts is now underway and a comprehensive testing program will immediately follow. The goal is to license the technology to interested end users for several different applications.



Hasn't this been tried before?


Until they are able to show the world a working prototype, my bid is limited to $1.


This company has been spending money on this concept for years, I am even surprised that they still do some announcement. We still need to be convinced that a Rotary design can work, I am skeptical, At least they mention that they have a cooling of the cams, and in their design they can cool the vane as well, now they still need to show that they can lubricate them. Also one of the problem with Rotary asides of coolind, lubrication and leaking at seals, it is also mor difficult to control the combustion, you can't have valve timing, variable compression ratio or stratified combustion. You can only work in lean mixture and high compression ratio to be clean and efficient. It is tru that given the number of firing they have they can work very lean you will still have plenty of power, maybe you can even run HCCI? anyway show me the beef before I buy it


That seems to be THE issue with rotaries....sealing. This is an interesting design with lots of areas that need to be sealed. It is not the sort of thing that lends itself to longevity.

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The project requires investments.

Investments to be made amount to EUR 300,000 (three hundred thousand) for 3 years.

The investments are used for:

1. Manufacturing 4 samples of the Stepanov piston (reciprocating) engine (SPE) in accordance with the patent of Ukraine (for more information please refer to );
2. Installation of 4 sample engines at:
- a mobile power station;
- a scooter;
- an automobile.
3. Testing of the sample engines in operation.
4. In parallel with activities as per Items 1, 2, and 3, the Stepanov Transmission Gear is patented in key countries, which has been already declared at the State Department for Intellectual Property of Ukraine for obtaining the appropriate expert opinion. The Investor is included into the list of declarants and obtains 25% of rights for the patent. The Stepanov Transmission Gear is a part of the SPE and the obtained patent may not be bypassed or avoided.
5. Following the testing as per Item 3, an application to the Guiness World Records is made to set a world record in the most fuel-efficient engine. In order to set the record, the SPE-equipped automobile moves under its own power to one of the key European automobile exhibitions where sample engines mentioned in Item 2 will be exhibited. The automobile's traveling to the automobile exhibition shall be accompanied by TV shows and broadcasting performed by a TV company, which would have purchased the broadcasting rights. The funds obtained will allow partial (or full) redemption of investments, and the TV shows and broadcasting will provide the best advertising.
6. As soon as the Guiness World Record is set, participation in a key European automobile exhibition will bring the Stepanov Transmission Gear licence buyers with almost 100% probability. Funds obtained from sale of licences will fully redeem the investments made and provide net profits.
Sergey Stepanov,
Tel.: +380674402043,
[email protected]

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