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ARPA-E to Hold Public Workshops; One Targeted for Energy Storage for Vehicles

To continue the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy’s (ARPA-E) ongoing effort to seek public input into developing potential programs and funding opportunities, ARPA-E will host a series of workshops in targeted areas of interest in October and November 2009. (Earlier post.)

The information gathered at these workshops will supplement data received from the September 2009 Request For information (RFI). (Earlier post.) Potential workshops include (subject to change):

  • Grid Scale Energy Storage
  • Energy Storage for Vehicles
  • Direct Solar Fuels
  • Waste Heat Recovery/ Solid State Lighting
  • Carbon Capture & Sequestration

ARPA-E will post an announcement for each workshop, as their dates of approach, at . Each workshop will be open to the public, however will be subject to space limitations. To secure a space in a workshop, interested parties must sign up in advanced and receive confirmation/directions from ARPA-E. Since ARPA-E believes interest for each workshop will exceed available space, a summary of results from these workshops will be published on the ARPA-E website.


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