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AVL’s Smart Sampler 478 Enhances Engine Emission Testing

AVL has released a new emission measurement tool to help vehicle manufacturers and engine makers meet changing emissions regulation.

The Smart Sampler 478, a partial-flow dilution system that effectively measures particulate pollution, is a global tool for certification of diesel engines. Smart Sampler 478 is CFR1065 compliant for steady state and transient tests, as well as ISO 16183, 8178 and PMP compliant, allowing manufacturers to adhere to global engine emissions standards.

Created to have a small footprint, Smart Sampler 478 is compact, flexible and portable. The system features a dual-cabinet design unit that can be split in two sections, permitting the user to keep one section close to the engine and another in a remote location. The unit can also be mounted on a wall or on wheels enabling its use throughout the test cell.

Smart Sampler 478 offers an improved graphical user interface (GUI), guiding users through the requirements of a variety of particulate measurement tests. When selecting a test to be run, the interface pulls up a menu that leads users through the process. The Smart Sampler 478 also features continuous monitoring of progress throughout the test and notifies the user of any potential problems.

As an added feature to the Smart Sampler 478, a basic version of AVL’s post processing tool, Concerto, is installed on each unit. Concerto compiles all measurement report results and analyzes the data making it easier for users to draw accurate conclusions.


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