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Materia Launches Chemistry Blog on Olefin Metathesis

Materia, founded in 1998 to commercialize olefin metathesis catalyst technology, has launched a new chemistry blog called All Things Metathesis. The site was developed by the company to establish a knowledge resource on olefin metathesis as well as to create a setting for metathesis users to discuss the evolving catalyst technology.

Olefin metathesis is a process in which two carbon-carbon double bonds (olefins) come together in a chemical reaction, forming new olefinic products in the process. Catalysts provide a pathway for the chemical reaction to take place.

The Nobel Prize-winning catalytic technology is used to synthesize chemical compounds with fewer manufacturing steps, while simultaneously reducing byproducts, solvents, and waste material generation. It is in broad use in the chemical, polymer, and pharmaceutical industries—and it is being explored for use in the production of biofuels (earlier post).

All Things Metathesis is an outgrowth of Materia’s commitment to educate the academic and industrial communities about the benefits and applications of olefin metathesis. We’ve developed considerable expertise in this field by exclusively focusing on the chemistry over the past eleven years. Therefore, we can provide relevant and timely technical information, particularly in regards to metathesis’ efficient application.

— Mike Giardello, Materia CEO

The site provides general information on olefin metathesis and specific information on ruthenium-based metathesis catalysts.



We have universities that do basic research and private companies that want to patent and make huge profits. We seldom see cooperative efforts to make advances for everyone's sake.

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