Tata Steel-Sasol JV Plans $10B CTL Unit
19 January 2010
Business Standard. A 50:50 joint venture between Tata Steel and Sasol Synfuel International is proposing to build a $10-billion, 3.6 million tonne per year (80,000 barrels per day) coal-to-liquids plant in the Indian state of Orissa, India’s first CTL project. (Earlier post.)
While the project requires 3,000 acre of land for its main plant, additional land would be required for setting up coal mine, benefication plant, coal handling plant, water reservoir, power plant and township.
The proposed plant would produce diesel, naptha and LPG, with by-products such as tar, phenol, sulfur and ammonia. The project also includes setting up a 1,600 MW power plant. The CTL plant will require about 28 to 31 million tonnes of coal per year as feedstock, and plans to source the coal from Arakhpal and Srirampur mines of the Talcher coal belt.
This may be a way for India to reduce Oil import.
Wonder how much (Coal to Wheels) GHG will be created and how is compares with Alberta's tar sands?
Posted by: HarveyD | 19 January 2010 at 08:32 AM
30E6 tons per year to produce 80000 barrels a day (= 4.672.000.000 litres/year) = 6.4 kg/coal for each litre of fuel. Or coal is transformed into fuel-carbon with an weight efficiency of around 15%. (don't know how much ashes remain)
Posted by: Alain | 20 January 2010 at 12:12 AM