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ISE Will Display Olympics-Bound Hydrogen Fuel Cell Series Hybrid Bus with Ultracapacitor Energy Storage

ISE Corp will display for the first time in the United States its Zero-Emission Hybrid Bus technology at the “Connect with CONNECT” event being held in San Diego on 20 May. This ISE hydrogen fuel cell series hybrid bus, one of five that has been built using ISE technology, is slated for operation at the 2012 Olympics in London. (Earlier post.)

Unique to this bus, compared to ISE’s previous zero-emission fleets, is the use of proprietary Ultracapacitor Energy Storage Packs for capturing braking energy that is released later to assist in propelling the bus and powering on-board electrical processes.

The ISE Ultra-E system is capable of up to 1,000,000 charge cycles. Each system consists of 48 cells in a sealed enclosure. Up to 6 modules are combined with a vehicle interface control module to provide a complete system solution with a centralized electrical control module.



Interesting combo (FC+SC)for city buses.

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