Elk Horn, Iowa Claims Highest Concentration of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
28 August 2010
Elk Horn, Iowa, population approximately 600, has four public EV charging stations, giving it the highest concentration of public charging stations anywhere. The community has plans to build four more stations there in the next few months, bringing the total to eight.
In an interview with AASHTO’s Transportation TV, Mike Howard, the 57-year-old businessman who is the brains behind the interest in electric cars in his community said:
We are really pre-positioned here way ahead of the curve. We are confident that when electric cars come, we have a location where people can charge their vehicles, enjoy our town, and then be able to continue on their journey.
Howard hopes to expand the presence of public charging stations along the Interstate 80 corridor, linking tiny Elk Horn to hundreds of thousands of travelers crossing the Midwest.
Although use of electric cars is still not widespread, Howard predicts that in the near future, their numbers on the road will increase significantly. “My prediction is maybe 70-80% of the population will have electric vehicles in 10-15 years,” Howard said.
Property values have already gone up 250% due to the high concentration of EV charging stations in the boom town of Elk Horn, also known for its high concentration of human-powered vehicles, and a big Danish windmill.
Posted by: Zhukova | 28 August 2010 at 06:10 AM
This could be one of the wise men needed to promote the aggressive use of electrified vehicles. More charging points is a very good way to do it. Eventually, most public parking places should be so equipped.
Posted by: HarveyD | 28 August 2010 at 10:13 AM
Eventually all parking meters will have an electrical socket for recharging (and a credit card reader of course). I don't know how the guy in the next parking space will be prevented from unplugging yours and plugging his into your charger on your credit card after you walk away for a few hours. Cars will have to have smart cables with a USB port or something that will match your car and credit card to the charger.
Posted by: Zhukova | 28 August 2010 at 10:51 AM
You know the EV revolution is here (well, maybe soon) when places in the heartland are claiming this title.
Posted by: danm | 30 August 2010 at 06:41 AM
I don't think it takes that much intelligence built in to keep someone from stealing your connection. If someone unplugs it, then it stops and makes you swipe the credit card again before it starts charging.
Also, if the cord is only long enough to reach the car parked in the space next to it, I don't think it's going to be that big of a problem.
People keep talking about vandalism and kids unplugging them. It's no different than kids walking around and "keying" cars or tearing up street lights or other stupid things they do today. I don't see why EVs should be anymore of a target than any other property that idiots like to mess with.
Posted by: DaveD | 30 August 2010 at 08:41 AM