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Genencor Exploring Use of Zymetis Microorganism for Biochemicals

Zymetis Inc., spin-off from the University of Maryland seeking to commercialize a marine bacterium that the company says is the fastest known degrader of whole plant biomass (earlier post), announced that Genencor, a division of Danisco A/S, has initiated an effort to explore novel methods for producing biochemicals directly from biomass feedstocks through use of the marine microorganism.

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Aligning with Genencor, a leader in Industrial Biotechnology, helps us accomplish three corporate goals at once. First, it provides an opportunity to validate our technologies. Second, it offers a concrete commercialization path. And third, it provides the foundation for other key strategic alliances for us in the biochemicals industry.

—Scott Laughlin, CEO of Zymetis

The bacterium has a known genome and is capable of deploying almost 90 different enzymes which, in concert, are capable of reducing all of the carbohydrate polymers found in plants to their constituent sugars. The company’s technology is protected by four patents and 10 patents pending, with more in line for filing.


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