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California ARB issues grant solicitation for Grantee to administer and implement $5M Clean Vehicle Rebate Project

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has issued a grant solicitation for a Grantee to administer and implement the $5 million Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP). The CVRP was approved by the Board as part of the AB 118 Air Quality Improvement Program Funding Plan for Fiscal Year 2010-11 and provides rebates of up to $5,000 for California purchasers of zero-emission and plug-in hybrid electric light-duty vehicles on a first come, first served basis.

The Grantee is responsible for the on-the-ground project implementation of distributing rebates for eligible vehicles. This solicitation is open to individuals, federal, state, or local government entities or agencies, and organizations or companies with expertise implementing a grant program and general knowledge of ARB’s clean vehicle programs. Applications are due to ARB by 3 December 2010.

ARB will hold an Applicant Workshop to answer questions regarding this grant solicitation on 16 November 2010 in Sacramento. The Applicant Workshop will provide an opportunity for potential applicants to ask clarifying questions regarding general application requirements.




Would this program be limited to the first 1000 customers?


This would bring the total cash out for a Chevy VOLT to $$28,500.00.

A very reasonable cost for the sophisticated technology in the Volt. California may just be the world leader in encouraging electrification of transport. Nice work Governor Jerry! Good to have you back!

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