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European Electric Vehicle Congress 2011

A new conference in Europe aims to foster discussion between research institutes, industry, NGOs and public authorities to ensure that the needs and constraints from these different stakeholders are mutually well understood and that the most appropriate products for electrified vehicles are selected for market introduction.

The European Electric Vehicle Congress (EEVC-2011) will be held in Brussels, 26–28 October 2011, and is organized by Frédéric Vergels, who has served as the Secretary General of AVERE, the European Association of Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell, Electric Vehicles, since 1998. The call for papers closes 20 June.

The needs and constraints of each of the stakeholders are different, and the most promising and optimum technologies have to be selected taking into account the technological, environmental and economical constraints, Vergels notes.

Sustainable urban mobility technology requires a roadmap, Vergels says, that should meet basic human needs for health, should provide cost-effective technologies, and should also support vibrant, sustainable economic activity. With respect to the environment, transportation should make use of land in a way that has little or no impact on the integrity of ecosystems. It should use energy sources that are essentially renewable and produce no more emissions than can be accommodated by the planet’s restorative ability.

EEVC 2011 will be held in Brussels with the aim to involve as many representatives of the European Commission, Committee of the Regions and Parliament as possible in the discussions. While the problem is global, an important part of the solution is to be found at the local level and another aim of the conference is to reinforce the dialogue between the European representatives, the local authorities, and the NGOs in the field.

Another aim is to foster synergies between research institutes and cooperation between laboratories and the industry.



People here know of course that "conferences" are a business in business. And while important people meet at conferences to... confer with other important people; there are others actually DOING THINGS to make the world better.

If more of these conferees spent less time conferring and more time kick-starting manufacturing of non-fossil fueled light transportation - there would be more progress. We need people who are willing to put in the mindshare necessary to actually build new EVs, new alternative energy systems and appliances, enact real legislation to end fossil subsidies and quit whining about "climate change."

Action IS louder than words.


Reel$$..Not much is done these days if it not a source of higher profits or if it is not mandated.

We all know, that to maximize profits, you have to keep on repeating whatever is profitable. That's why we had about the same gas guzzling ICE vehicles, dirty coal fired power plants, inefficient A/C,etc etc for over 100 years.

One sure way to get something done is to mandate it with laws and regulations. That requires a higher level of consensus, studies and conferences unless you live in a country with different ways. That may be why China can make things happen much faster.


Mandates are considered by some as unfunded and a burden on business by big government. The lobbyists would be all over it like white on rice and the politicians going for mandates could count on getting less money for their next campaign and their opponents getting more money for their's. The adage is you can not do any good if you are not there and hence the selling of souls.


Look, I am happy there are people talking about EV in Europe. But their car companies are far behind Japan and the States in actually DOING something. Mandates and regulations help in supporting innovation - but are no guarantee of success - witness the EV1.

Nothing will replace innovation. And stimulating innovation requires inspiration and reward. If you invent a battery with a density of 65kWh in a 25kg package - you are inspired. And will reap the reward.

What legislation, mandates and laws will never do is spark the human imagination to do better. Or good. The greatest innovators and creators are those who create selflessly - for love, curiosity and their fellows. We hope this conference in Brussels focuses some part on inspiration. On empowering young and old minds to ask what they can do for their planet.


In the U.S. trends can be created. If cash for clunkers sounded good and your neighbor went for it, you might too. EVs may have some of that effect. When the Focus and Cruze EVs come out, some may find they can do with less range and it is not a problem. If prices go down over time, more people will consider it.


What is the harm in a little conference in Brussels in October.
It should be quite nice there.
As Reel has said European car manufacturers are behind the Japanese in respect to EVs, so a little conference might jolly things along.

However, what Europe really needs (IMHO) is better hybrid technology (mild, full or PHEV) to mate with their excellent diesel work.
This will probably be different from what has been done by Toyota as the ICE engine characteristics are different.

You don't really need to get a load of civil servants involved in this - you only need them if you want to go pure battery / (heaven help us) fuel cell.

In my opinion, what is needed is the cheapest possible application of hybridization to diesel, possibly leading to PHEV(d)'s.

All you need for this is an aggressive CO2 eduction policy and expensive fuel, both of which have already been provided by the thoughtful bureaucrats of Brussels and the EU governments.

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