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Oxford Catalysts Group receives second order for microchannel BTL system for Brazil

The Oxford Catalysts Group recently received a second order for its microchannel Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reactor technology, to be deployed in a 50 bbl/d BTL plant planned for Brazil, planned to begin operating early in 2012. (Earlier post.)

The Brazilian plant, a joint venture between the Portuguese incorporated company SGC Energia (SGCE) and an un-named partner, will take advantage of similar technology to that used in the 1 bbl/d demonstration and pilot plant in Güssing, Austria.

Two commercial-scale FT microchannel reactors for use in the plant will be supplied by Velocys, Inc., the US-based member of the UK-based Oxford Catalysts Group. Velocys delivered the first of the reactors to SGCE in March 2011. SGCE has now placed an order with Velocys for a second reactor and together they will be integrated into a single skid before being transported to Brazil.

The SGCE order represents the second order Velocys has received for its FT microchannel reactors. Velocys is also working closely with a number of other prospective partners to develop the use of microchannel FT technology for the small scale distributed production of liquid fuels from a variety of waste feedstocks (XTL) via the FT reaction.



Brazil has the biomass, no doubt about that. Before anyone posts about cutting down rainforest, most of the sugar cane is grown 80 miles from the nearest rainforest.

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